Alikahya Tram Rail Production Completed

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality's Akçaray tram line, which starts between the Bus Terminal and Sekapark and then extends to Kuruçeşme, will serve the eastern part of the city and facilitate access to Kocaeli Stadium.

The factory production of the rails to be used in the Alikahya Stadium Tram Line has been completed. In the project, where the contractor company continued construction site installation and ground drilling, the production of the rails, which were completely domestic and national production, was carried out in Kardemir.

In the Alikahya Stadium Tram Line tender made by the Metropolitan Municipality, the contractor company was Sigma İnş. Tourism Enterprises Trade. Inc. A contract was signed with the partnership of Emreray Enerji İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. and the site was delivered. The project, with a total length of 3,8 km, consists of two stages. 1,4 calendar days have been determined for the first stage up to 330 km, and 3,8 calendar days for the 2nd stage up to 270 km, making the total duration 60 calendar days. The project includes 2 transformer buildings, highway regulation and infrastructure manufacturing to meet the energy needs on the tram line route.

The new line will start from the bus station depot area and will end at the closest point on the Independence Street. The line, which will be 3,8 kilometers long, will consist of 6 stops. First stop of the line; At the intersection of Fener Street and Sultan Murat Street, the second stop is Fatma Seher Hanım, where the street intersects with İbni Sina Street, the third stop is on Sakıp Sabancı Street at the intersection with Fenerli Street, the fourth stop is on Sakıp Sabancı Street, at the intersection with Nar Çiçeği Street, the fifth stop is Independence At the intersection of Yunus Emre Street, the sixth stop will be at the end of Independence Street.


Rail manufacturing has also started within the scope of the Metropolitan's Alikahya Stadium Tram Line. A delegation consisting of technical personnel of the Rail System Department, Rail System Construction Branch Directorate, paid an inspection visit to the Kardemir (Karabük Demir Çelik San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.) factory for the inspection and acceptance of the rails in question. Rails in progress; It will be 14811m long and 260R18 type corrugated rail of R59 quality in accordance with EN 2 standard. The tests determined by the relevant standards of the rails, which were produced entirely with domestic and national resources, were also successfully carried out.