Unhealthy Sleep Can Cause High Blood Pressure

Unhealthy Sleep Can Cause High Blood Pressure
Unhealthy Sleep Can Cause High Blood Pressure

Specialist Cegergün Polat from Memorial Şişli Hospital Cardiology Department gave information about the relationship between sleep and hypertension. exp. Dr. Polat stated that regular and quality sleep, which is very important for general body health, is also good for heart health and negative changes in sleep patterns invite many health problems. Pointing out that hypertension is one of the leading problems caused by sleep disorders, Polat said, “High blood pressure can pave the way for cardiological problems such as heart attack and heart failure.” said.

Giving information about sleep and hypertension, Dr. Dr. Polat, “Hypertension is the state of high pressure exerted by the blood on the vessel wall. It is a disease that one-third of the advancing age group suffers from. Although high blood pressure is a very common problem, it is also considered to be the cause of many diseases. Hypertension occurs in two ways. If it is not due to an identifiable secondary cause it is called 'essential' (primary) and if it is due to a cause it is called 'secondary hypertension'. secondary hypertension; It can be caused by kidney diseases, adrenal gland tumors, congenital disorders of blood vessels, thyroid diseases and birth control pills, some cold medicines, some over-the-counter pain relievers and some prescription drugs.” used his statements.

The relationship between sleep-obesity-heart diseases should be considered

Stating that there are some factors that facilitate the emergence of essential hypertension, Uzm. Dr. Polat said, “These are factors such as age, gender, high salt consumption, obesity, high-calorie diet, low activity level, fatigue, personality traits, stress, and sleep disorders. It may be necessary to keep the sleeping part separate here. Sometimes the short neck structure, the structure of the palate or larynx, and the congestion in the nose can impair the sleep quality of people. These structural problems prevent deep sleep and prevent the body from resting.” he said.

exp. Dr. Polat said, “Normally, the average sleep time in an adult is between 7-8. In order to achieve this, the person must go to sleep at a certain time and wake up at a certain time. Sleep problems are a major cause of obesity. This disrupts the body rhythm. An unrested body therefore becomes a major risk factor for hypertension.” said.

Sleep apnea damages the heart

Emphasizing that people with sleep apnea problems are more likely to have hypertension, diabetes and obesity, Dr. Dr. Polat, “Researches; It has been shown that the risk of developing hypertension in people with high sleep apnea severity is increased by 2 times, and those with low sleep quality have a higher risk of developing resistant hypertension than those who sleep well. This causes the heart to get tired and damaged. In this group of patients, the risk of cardiovascular occlusion, heart attack, hypertension and stroke is high. used the phrase.

If the nap time during the day exceeds 15 minutes, beware!

Stating that the normal duration of the nap needed at certain intervals is 10-15 minutes, Uzm. Dr. Polat said, “Sleep apnea patients tend to meet their sleep needs during the day because they have sleep problems at night and cannot fully rest. It is possible. Such patients must first undergo a sleep test and then a cardiological examination. Because people who do not have a healthy sleep pattern may be at risk of hypertension and heart rhythm disorder. At the same time, a person may develop heart failure with a heart attack. Treating apnea with positive airway pressure in people with sleep apnea in the tests performed has a positive effect on controlling blood pressure values. he said.

Sleep should be considered for hypertension

Emphasizing that daylight is an important driver of biological rhythm, Uzm. Dr. Polat said, “Especially people who work night shifts are in the risk group for hypertension due to irregular sleep. Because working at night causes the body's biological rhythm to be disrupted, and the balance of hormones that can be effective in blood pressure balance is also negatively affected. This is the reason why people living in northern countries use black curtains in their homes to settle their sleeping patterns. Daylight means 'vigilance'. Not being able to sleep well at night also negatively affects metabolism. For this reason, it is important for children to remove their noon naps after the age of five, not to affect their night sleep, and to secrete growth hormone with deep sleep. he added.

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