Menemen Plastic Specialized Organized Industrial Zone (MPIOSB), which has the distinction of being the "ONE" plastics specialized organized industrial zone in Turkey, once again proved its sensitivity to the environment by obtaining the zero waste certificate.
MPİOSB, which has made great efforts to be an environmentally and green friendly OIZ since its establishment and plans all its investments in this direction; Within the scope of the "Zero Waste Project", which was initiated to prevent waste, use resources more efficiently, collect waste separately at the source and ensure its recycling, it fulfilled the requirements and earned the Zero Waste Certificate. MPIOSB, which includes its participants in this system, successfully passes the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization audit conducted in June, and continues on its way with confident steps in terms of environmental awareness and prevention of waste.
Speaking on the subject, MPİOSB Chairman of the Board of Directors and EBSO Assembly President Salih Esen said, “Since our establishment, sensitivity to the environment and green has been one of our most important issues. Due to our specialization, we naturally started one step ahead in terms of environmental awareness compared to other mixed OIZs, since production is made only for the plastics industry in our Region and when these productions are odorless, chimneyless and noiseless. In addition, we planted 1500 trees within our borders before the factory constructions started in our region. We have greened the surroundings of our factories whose constructions have been completed, besides, we have commissioned our state-of-the-art Treatment Facility, which is unique in the Aegean Region, without avoiding any expense. There is no odor in our Treatment Plant, it is impossible to distinguish the treated water from the normal mains water with the naked eye, we obtain such a clear purified water. Of course, we were not satisfied with these. We received our zero waste certificate as the Regional Directorate by carrying out our work within the scope of the Zero Waste Project, which has been on the agenda of our country in recent years and whose implementation was initiated by our State, and we encouraged our participants in this regard and included them in the system. We are one of the few OIZs that successfully carry out the Zero Waste Project together with its participants.
Esen also gave information about the investments in the region and said, “In our region, which consists of 41 industrial parcels, production continues in 22 facilities. 4 facilities will start production soon. Almost all of the remaining parcels have been allocated and construction will begin in a short time on these parcels. Currently, our employment has exceeded 2000 people. By the end of 2023, we aim to reach 5000 people with the production of all parcels. We are continuing our administrative and technical investments and projects that will facilitate the work of our participants at full speed and we will continue to do so.”