Access to KPSS Exam in Denizli is Free
20 Denizli

Access to KPSS Exam in Denizli is Free

Transportation is free for those who will take the KPSS Exam in Denizli; Denizli Metropolitan Municipality buses will be free for those who will take the KPSS exam this weekend. Denizli Metropolitan Municipality buses 25 October 2020 [more…]

Additional Bus Service for KPSS in Kocaeli
41 Kocaeli

Additional Bus Service for KPSS in Kocaeli

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality will organize additional trips on the same day to ensure that candidates who will take the Public Personnel Selection Examination (KPSS) to be held on Sunday, October 25, 2020, do not have problems in transportation. [more…]

Samulaş HES Code Application Starts!
55 Samsun

Samulaş HES Code Application Starts!

Samsun Metropolitan Municipality took the first step after the warnings of the Samsun Provincial Hygiene Board. Samsun Metropolitan Municipality took the first step after the circular sent to 30 provinces by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on September 81 [more…]