President Erdoğan Informed About Railway Investments

president gave information on erdogan railway investments
president gave information on erdogan railway investments

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Bestepe National Congress and Culture Center '2019 Year of the path taken by mentioning in the Review Meeting gave information about Turkey's transport railway investments.

`` We carried nearly 2019 million passengers in all our railways in 245. ''

Emphasizing that they attach importance to the railway more than ever before, President Erdoğan said, “Ankara, Konya, İstanbul, Eskişehir high-speed train lines are already serving. In total, more than 53 million citizens have traveled on Ankara-Eskişehir-Istanbul and Ankara-Konya-Istanbul routes. We carried almost 2019 million passengers in all our railways in 245. We are 8th in the world in high speed train operation and 6th in Europe. We are still approaching the end of the 1889 km high-speed train line construction between Ankara-İzmir and Ankara-Sivas. ''

'' Freight and passenger transportation can be done together with high-speed train lines. ''

Saying that they have built not only YHT lines, but also high-speed train lines, President Erdoğan, Bursa-Bilecik, Konya-Karaman, Niğde-Mersin, Adana-Osmaniye-Gaziantep-Çerkezköy-Kapıkule and Sivas-Zara stated that the construction of 1626 km of high-speed railways is ongoing.

“We are developing the domestic railway industry.”

He also said: '' In order to produce a railway car in Turkey we are developing the domestic industry. We have established facilities that produce high-speed train and metro vehicles in Sakarya, high-speed train trusses in Çankırı, high-speed train sleepers in Sivas, Sakarya, Afyon, Konya and Ankara, and domestic rail connection materials in Erzincan. ''

Turkey's Erdogan also can produce the prototype hybrid locomotive diesel and can work as a cordless noting that the 4th country in the world, '' So far, 150 new-generation services have given the national freight cars. We are producing 10 more domestic national freight wagons starting in the first half of this year. ''

'' 326 thousand tons of cargo were carried on the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars line. ''

Underlining that the BTK line and Marmaray are internationally important railway lines, President Erdoğan said, “The first train from China last November reached the capital of Czech Republic in 18 days using the Marmaray connection. In this line, we are also strengthening the ties by adding passenger transportation as well as freight transportation. ''