Deputy Prime Minister Şimşek examined the Eurasia Tunnel Project

Deputy Prime Minister Simsek Eurasia Tunnel Project examined: Turkey-EU High-Level Economic Dialogue "meeting was held. Within the scope of the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Şimşek, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu and members of the EU Commission made examinations in the construction of the Eurasia Tunnel Project.

Deputy Prime Minister Responsible for Economy Mehmet Şimşek and members of the European Union (EU) Commission made some studies on the construction of the Eurasia Tunnel Project (Istanbul Strait Road Tube Crossing).

Turkey-EU High-Level Economic Dialogue The first meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Simsek was held in Istanbul hosted.

After the meeting, Şimşek, who made a Bosphorus tour, and the commission members came to the construction site in Yenikapı, which is the European side exit point of the Eurasia Tunnel.

Here, Deputy Prime Minister Şimşek, European Commission Vice President for Business, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness Jyrki Katainen, EU Commission's Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Responsible Member Johannes Hahn, TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and the accompanying delegation were presented about the project.

After the presentation, the delegation examined the construction of the tunnel and took a souvenir photo with the workers.

The visit, in which Şimşek, Katainen and Hahn examined the construction site memo book, ended with a gift to the foreign delegation in memory of the day.