FILE NUMBER 85.02 / 122159
TENDER DATE AND TIME 18 / 06 / 2012 14: 45
ANNEX HISTORY 01 / 06 / 2012
SPECIFICATION COST / BANK ACCOUNT NO: 100, - TL / VAKIFBANK ESK. SMAs. - TR80 0001 5001 5800 0207 5535 73
0-222 224 00 00 (4435-4436)
Purchasing: 225 50 60, Headquarters: 0-222-225 72 72
Tender Registration Number: 2012 / 67410
A) Address of the Administration: Ahmet Kanatlı Cad. 1 / ESKİŞEHİR
b) Phone and Fax Number: 0 (222) 224 00 00 4435 4436 225 50 60 225 72
2- Quality, type and quantity of the work subject to the procurement: 1 pieces Waldrich Siegen brand machine drive
system will be renewed according to the technical specifications.
3- A) Place of tender: TÜLOMSAŞ Tender Commission Meeting Hall
b) Date and time: 18 / 06 / 2012 - Time 14: 45
4- The above-mentioned procurement with the Open Tender Procedure
the tender documents requested to participate in the tender
It indicated.
5- 18 / 06 / 2012 to TÜLOMSAŞ General Directorate Purchasing Department
must be given or received by 14: 45.
6 - Tender Documents TÜLOMSAŞ General Directorate of Purchasing Department
visible. The tenderers are obliged to purchase the tender documents
from 100, - (VAT included).
7- Temporary guarantee shall be provided at the rate of at least% 3 of the price offered.
8- This tender is subject to the laws numbered 4734 and 4735, except for the prohibition clauses and the prohibition of tenders
It is not.
The contractor
Article 1 - Business Owner Information
1.1. The owner of the business;
a) Name: The contractor (Turkey Locomotive and Engine Industry Inc.)
b) Address: Ahmet Kanatli Cad. 26490 ESKİŞEHİR
c) Phone number: 0 222-224 00 00 / (4435-4436)
d) Fax number: 0 222-225 50 60 (Purchasing) - 225 72 72 (Head Office)
e) e-mail address:
f) Name, surname / title of the relevant personnel: Yaşar UZUNÇAM - Chief
1.2. Tenderers, contact information from the above addresses and numbers
by providing them.
Article 2- Information on the Subject of the Contract
The service of the tender subject;
a) Name: Renovation of the drive system of the brand Waldrich Siegen
b) JCC registration number: 2012 / 67410
c) Quantity and type: 1 Pieces
d) Location: TÜLOMSAŞ Locomotive Factory
e) Other information: Technical Specification 120.143
Article 3- Tender Information
Information on the tender:
a) Tender procedure: Open Tender Procedure
b) TALOMSAŞ Ahmet Kanatlı Cad. 26490 ESKİŞEHİR
c) Tender date: 18.06.2012
d) Tender time: 14.45
e) Tender commission meeting place: TÜLOMSAŞ Tender Commission Meeting Hall
Article 4- Procurement and Procurement of the Tender Document
4.1. The tender document can be considered free of charge at the address below. However, the tender will bid
The tenderer must purchase the approved tender document.
a) Tender document can be seen: TÜLOMSAŞ Purchasing Supply Department
b) Place of purchase of Tender document: TÜLOMSAŞ Purchasing Supply Department
c) Tender document sales price (VAT included): 100, - TL
4.2. The tender document is accompanied by a series of compasses showing the documents in its content. Bidder, tender
check the authenticity of the documents that make up the document and whether the documents are complete
would. After this examination, the Contracting Entity shall be able to
in accordance with the receipt, signed on the compass signed statement.
4.3. The tenderer shall purchase the tender document and the conditions stated in the documents constituting the tender document and
accept the rules.
Article 5- Offer Place
5.1. Offerings: TÜLOMSAŞ Purchasing Supply Department
5.2. Bids can be placed in the above mentioned date until the date and time of the tender,
mail. Bids that do not reach the contract until the tender time
It will be charged.
5.3. Bids submitted to or received by the Administration, except for the issuance of an addendum, shall be returned for any reason.
It can not be retrieved.
5.4. In case the date determined for the tender coincides with the holiday, the tender shall be
the same time at the time indicated above and the bids given until this time are accepted.
5.5. In case the working hours change later, the tender shall be held at the time specified above.
5.6. time setting of Turkey Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) are based on national time setting.
Article 6- Scope of the Tender Document
6.1. The tender document consists of the following documents:
a) Administrative Specification and list of requirements
b) Technical Specification 120.143
c) Draft Contract
d) General Terms of Service Works
e) Standard forms (Unit Price Bid Letter and Ruler, Temporary Guarantee Letter)
6.2. In addition, in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Specification, the Contracting Entity shall
The written statements made by the Contracting Entity upon written request shall be binding upon the tender document.
it forms part of it.
6.3. The tenderer carefully examines the contents of all the above mentioned documents
must. Liability for failure to fulfill the conditions for the submission of the proposal
shall belong to the tenderer. Proposals which are not in conformity with the procedure stipulated in the tender document,
is not considered.
Article 7- Required Documents and Qualification Criteria
7.1. In order for the bidders to participate in the tender, the following documents shall be submitted in the following order:
should offer:
a) Certificate of Chamber of Commerce and / or Industry or Chamber of Profession registered in accordance with the legislation;
1) In case of real person, it is received within the year of the announcement related to the tender,
The document indicating that it is registered with the Chamber of Commerce and / or Industry or the Chamber of Profession,
2) In the case of a legal entity, it is registered in the register of the legal entity as per the legislation.
In the year of the announcement related to the tender, the legal entity
document that is registered with
b) Signature declaration or signature circular showing that it is authorized to bid;
1) Notarized signature declaration in case of real person,
2) In the case of a legal person, by the interest of the partners, members or founders of the legal entity,
indicates the latest situation indicating the officials in the management of the legal entity Trade Registry Gazette or this
notarized signature circular of legal entity with the documents proving the issues,
c) Letter of bid specified in the Annex of the Specification,
d) Temporary guarantee, whose form and contents are specified in the annex of the specification,
e) Qualification documents specified in this specification,
f) In case of participation in the tender by proxy, the notary public's participation in the tender
notarized signature declaration with its certified power of attorney,
g) Subcontractor sub-contractor will
the list of works and subcontractors the contractors are considering
h) To submit a work experience certificate, if requested by the tenderer, to demonstrate the work experience
The document, in the case of a legal entity partner with more than half of the shares, and Turkey Rooms
Stock Exchange Union or certified public accountant or public accountant or public accountant
last year after the first announcement by the
a partnership status certificate showing that this condition is protected without interruption.
i) Other documents requested by the Contracting Entity: -
7.2. Documents to be searched for professional and technical qualifications and these documents should be
7.2.1. Bidders with their bids; as of the auction date
ISO 9001: 2008 quality certificate issued by an accredited organization
It will give.
7.2.2. Bidders are able to answer all items of the technical specification 120.143 individually, respectively.
will give you the annexes of the offers.
7.2.3. Bidders, all machine, tool-equipment, spare parts, equipment and equipment
number, brand, capacity, origin, technical specifications catalog, brochure, drawing and other
All kinds of electrical and electronic equipment list along with promotional information will be given in the annex.
7.2.4. Bidders, all machine, tool-equipment, spare parts to be used in the bench modernization,
equipment and hardware and electrical-electronic equipment price list will be given in the annex.
7.2.5. Bidders shall be responsible for the service and the warranty service in case of any failure.
information covering the deadlines will give in the annexes.
7.2.6. Tenderers, the work to be done within the scope of the tender, new add-ons and system work
taking into account the principle and not all technical specifications
they will submit their projects by adding their equipment.
7.2.7. Bidders, the features of the machine except the specifications mentioned in the technical specification
equipment design and technical recommendations, along with their proposals.
TÜLOMSAŞ is free to evaluate them.
7.2.8. TULOMSAS is authorized to decide whether the tenderer is technically competent or not.
If deemed necessary, the Administration may visit the facilities of the tenderer (subcontractor, if any) and
examine his work. 70 points according to Supplier Qualification Form as a result of this review
the unqualified tenderer is excluded from the evaluation.
7.3. How to submit documents:
7.3.1. Bidders have the original or notary approved documents
give examples. Work experience documents related to work or similar works
if requested, the original of the notarized work experience documents, the tenderer is willing to remain on
shall be submitted to the Contracting Entity by the Contracting Entity before it is approved by the Contracting Entity.
7.3.2. Notarized documents must be accompanied by a copy of the, proof of authenticity “, copy or photocopy
those who are approved and approved bir the same as the one presented en or a commentary
will not be considered valid.
7.3.3. Tenderers, the originals of the documents, during the tender,, the original was seen by the tender commission ekl
change the text with photocopies.
7.3.4. If quality control documents are requested;
[Quality management system certificate / Environmental management system certificate / Quality management system certificate and
environmental management system certificate] accredited by the Turkish Accreditation Agency
certification bodies or the International Accreditation Forum for Mutual Recognition
by national accreditation bodies accredited by certification bodies
regulation is mandatory. The International Accreditation Forum of these certification bodies
Accredited by national accreditation bodies in the Mutual Recognition Agreement
the validity of the certification bodies and the documents issued by these organizations.
you must confirm this with a letter from the Turkish Accreditation Agency. Tender date
or a confirmation letter received within a year prior to that date. However, Turkish Accreditation
The certification bodies that are accredited by the
TURKAK Accreditation Certificate for the certificates and certificates bearing the trademark from Turkish Accreditation Agency
confirmation is not compulsory. This document is sufficient to be valid at the tender date.
Article 8 - Openness of the Tender to Foreign Bidders
Only local applicants can participate in this tender.
Article 9- Those who cannot participate in the tender
9.1. In the name of themselves or others as direct or indirect or subcontractors
they cannot participate in any tender:
a) temporarily or permanently in accordance with the provisions of the Laws 4734 and 4735 and other laws.
those who are prohibited from participating in public tenders and under the Anti-Terror Law No. 3713
those convicted of crimes and organized crime.
b) Those who have been deemed fraudulent bankruptcy by the relevant authorities.
c) Persons of the contracting authority of the administration or persons in the committees with such authority.
d) To prepare, execute and finalize all procurement proceedings related to the work of the Contracting Entity;
e) spouses of persons specified in subparagraphs (c) and (d) and up to third degree blood and second degree
fathers and fathers with adoptions and adopters.
f) the partners and companies of the persons mentioned in paragraphs (c), (d) and (e)
joint stock companies where there is no employee or more than% 10 of their capital
9.2. Contractors engaged in consultancy services of the service subject to the tender cannot participate in the tender for this work.
This prohibition is for the half of the capital of these companies with their partnership and management relations.
the same applies to the companies they have.
9.3. Bidders participating in the tender despite the aforementioned prohibitions shall be excluded from the tender and shall have temporary guarantees
Recorded. Moreover, this situation cannot be determined during the evaluation of bids.
if the contract is awarded to one of them, the collateral is recorded as revenue and the tender is canceled.
Article 10- Reasons for Exclusion of Bidding
Bidders in the following cases, if these conditions are identified,
It will be released:
a) Bankruptcy, liquidation, the work carried out by the court, concordat declare, work
suspended or in a similar situation according to the provisions of the legislation in your own country.
b) The court declared the bankruptcy of the debts against the creditors,
c) the final social security premium debt as of the date of the tender.
d) As of the tender date, with finalized tax liability.
e) In the five (5) years prior to the date of the tender, the judicial
f) During the five (5) years prior to the date of the tender,
determined by the Contracting Entity in which he / she conducts illegal activities.
g) As of the date of the tender, it has been prohibited from the professional activity by the room where it is registered
h) Information and / or misleading information and / or documents that are not provided by the Administration with this Specification;
fake document detected.
i) Participating in the tender although it is stated in Article 9 of this Specification that it cannot participate in the tender.
j) It is determined that they are in the prohibited acts or behaviors specified in the Article 11 of this Specification.
? The documents of sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (g) above, from the affiliated Chamber of Commerce and / or Industry
Tir Tender Status Document “.
? the document of subparagraph (e);
- belongs to real person in terms of real people
- Regarding the legal person bidders,
• Members of board of directors in joint stock companies
• In limited companies, to the company manager or to all of the partners,
• In the case of limited liability companies, committees and
they are the partners of the company,
• Collective companies, all of the partners belong to the Ministry of Justice
It will be provided from the units affiliated to the Directorate.
Article 11 - Prohibited Verbs or Behaviors
11.1. The following acts or acts are prohibited during the tender period:
a) Cheats, promises, threats, influence, interests, agreements, corruption, bribery or otherwise
or to attempt to commit or to attempt to commit to tender procedures.
b) To make the tenderers hesitate, to prevent participation, to submit a proposal to the tenderers or
to encourage, to act in ways that affect competition or tender decision.
c) To arrange, use or attempt to forge fake documents or counterfeits.
d) In the tender; in the name of himself / herself or others
to submit more than one bid directly or indirectly, in person or by proxy.
e) To participate in the tender although it is stated in Article 9 of this Specification that it cannot participate in the tender.
11.2. According to the nature of the act or behavior, 4734
The provisions of the Fourth Section of the Act shall apply.
Article 12- Bidding Costs
All costs related to the preparation and submission of tenders shall be borne by the tenderers. Administration, the course of the tender
and in no way be liable for such costs incurred by the tenderer, regardless of its outcome.
Article 13- Location of the Work
13.1. Traveling around the work place and its surroundings; offer
It is the tenderer's responsibility to provide all information that may be required to enter. Workplace and
All expenses related to the appearance of the environment belong to the tenderer.
13.2. The bidder will visit the place of work and its surroundings; the shape and nature of the workplace, climate
conditions, the work to be done and the materials to be used for the realization of the work
cost and time required for transportation to the workplace with the quantity and type
have been informed; risks, contingencies and similar
all kinds of information necessary for the elements taken.
13.3. When a request is received from the tenderers to see where the work is to be carried out, the
will give the necessary permission to enter the building and / or the land to be built.
13.4. In the evaluation of the tenders, the tenderer shall examine the place of work and
Article 14 - Explanation in the Tender Document
14.1. Tenderers need to be announced in the tender document during the preparation of tenders
with regard to matters they have heard in writing, up to seven (7) days before the deadline for submission of
may request clarification. After this date, the explanation will be evaluated
It will be charged.
14.2. In the event that the request for clarification is deemed to be appropriate, the contractor will
All the bidders who receive the document are sent in writing or in return for signature.
This written description of the Administration shall inform all bidders of at least three (3) days before the deadline
will be held in a manner to ensure that they have ownership.
14.3. The statement includes a description of the problem and detailed answers of the Administration; however, requesting clarification
The identity of the bidder is not specified.
14.4. The written explanations made to the tenderers who received the tender documents after the date of disclosure.
tender document.
Article 15 - Amendment of the Tender Document
15.1. It is essential that the tender document is not changed after the announcement of the announcement. However, the
or changes to the advertisements, specifications and annexes after request
In cases where it is determined by the Contracting Entity or notified in writing by the tenderers,
amendments may be made to the tender document by the Contracting Entity and
is announced.
15.2. Addendum is sent to all the tenderers by letter or by hand in return for signature
at least three (3) days prior to the tender date.
15.3. Due to the change made, additional time is needed to prepare bids
, the date of the tender for a maximum of twenty (20) days,
can postpone with. During the postponement period, the tender document will be sold and bidding is continued.
15.4. In the event that an addendum is issued,
offers will be given the opportunity to re-bid.
Article 16- Freedom of Administration to cancel the tender before the tender time
16.1. Prohibition of bidding in the documents deemed necessary by the administration or in the documents contained in the tender document
in cases where it is
The tender can be canceled before the time.
16.2. In this case, the tenderers with the reason for the cancellation by declaring the cancellation
Announced. Tenderers are also notified of the cancellation of the tender until this stage.
16.3. In case of cancellation of the tender, all bids submitted shall be deemed to be rejected.
will be returned to the bidders without opening.
16.4. Bidders cannot claim any rights due to the cancellation of the tender.
Article 17- Subcontractors
All or part of the procurement / business subject to the tender cannot be made to subcontractors.
Article 18- Currency in Offers and Payments, Language of Bid
18.1. Tenderers shall submit their bids in Turkish Liras (TL). Payments stated in the contract
Turkish Lira (TL).
18.2. All documents and annexes and other documents constituting the proposal shall be in Turkish. In another language
The documents submitted will be considered valid if they are submitted together with the Turkish translation. This
In the case of interpretation of the offer or document, the Turkish translation shall be taken as the basis.
Article 19- Partial Bid
19.1. A partial offer for the subject work cannot be submitted. Offer will be given for the whole work.
Article 20 - Alternative Offers
Alternative offers cannot be submitted for the subject of the tender.
Article 21- Submission of Bids
21.1. This is a condition for participation in the tender, including Tender Letter and bid bond.
All documents required by the specification are placed in an envelope. Name, surname or trade of the tenderer on the envelope
title, open address for notifications, which business belongs to the tender and the open address of the contracting entity
It is written. The bonded place of the envelope shall be signed, sealed or stamped by the tenderer.
21.2. Bids shall be returned for the numbered receipts up to the time specified in the tender document
to the administration (where the offers will be submitted). Bids submitted after this time will not be accepted and
will be returned to the tenderer before opening.
21.3. Bids can also be sent by post with registered mail. Tenders by postal mail
The contractor must reach the administration until the tender hours specified in the document. Due to delay in mail
the time of receipt of the offers that will not be processed shall be determined by a minute and shall be
not taken.
21.4. The bids shall not be subject to any other than the issuance of addendum in accordance with the provisions of this Specification.
can not be reversed and changed.
21.5. In case of extension of the bidding period with an addendum, the first bidding of the administration and the bidders
all rights and obligations with respect to the deadline for the deadline for submission of
and extended until the hour.
Article 22- Form and Content of the Letter of Bid
22.1. Tender letters shall be submitted in written and signed form in accordance with the attached form sample.
22.2. Offer Letter;
a) Tender document to be read and accepted in full, to be specified in the technical specifications
responding to all articles in the technical specification separately,
b) Clearly writing the price in accordance with the figure and the letter,
erasure, no correction,
c) The name, surname or trade name of the tender letter is signed by authorized persons.
it is imperative.
Article 23- Validity Period of Bids
23.1. The validity period of the tenders shall be at least 30 (Thirty) days from the date of tender. Specified this
shorter offer letters shall not be taken into consideration.
23.2. In case of need, the contracting entity shall
it may request from the tenderers to extend the maximum up to the time specified above. Bidders
the administration can accept or reject this request. Extending the validity period of the Contracting Entity
the tenderers who refuse the request shall be reimbursed.
23.3. Tenderers accepting the request shall be liable to
to the provisions on the validity period and the provisional guarantee in all respects.
has to match.
23.4. Requests and answers shall be made in writing, sent by mail or by signature.
hand delivered.
Article 24- Charges Included in the Bid Price
24.1. Tenderers shall pay the taxes, pictures, payable according to the relevant legislation during the implementation of the contract.
fees and similar expenses, transport, unloading and stacking costs will be included in the bid price.
24.2. (24.1) increase in the expense items in article
in case of occurrence, the price of the offer shall be considered to cover such increase or difference.
It will be.
24.3. In addition, in the technical specification - education expenses etc. included in the offer price.
24.4. Value Added Tax (VAT) will be paid to the contractor for this purchase.
Article 25 - Bid Bond
25.1. Tenderers shall be entitled to own amount not less than% 3 of the bid price.
they will give a temporary guarantee. Giving less than% 3 of bid price
bidders' bids shall be excluded from evaluation.
25.2. Offer letters of guarantee for banks and private finance institutions
at least thirty (30) days more than the validity period.
25.3. Proposals that are not accompanied by an acceptable bid bond shall be
the conditions of participation will be excluded from the evaluation on the grounds that they cannot be fulfilled.
Article 26- Values to be Considered as Guarantee
26.1. The values to be accepted as collateral are listed below;
a) Cash in currency of the proposal.
b) Letters of guarantee given by banks and private financial institutions in the offer.
c) Government Domestic Debt Securities issued by the Undersecretariat of Treasury and issued instead of these bonds
26.2. (a) interest in nominal values from documents issued in sub-paragraph (c) and documents
issued as a guarantee over the sales value corresponding to the principal
It is.
26.3. According to the relevant legislation are permitted to engage in activities of foreign banks in Turkey ¢
letters of guarantee are also accepted as collateral.
26.4. In case of letter of guarantee, the scope and form of this letter is attached to the tender document.
should comply with the principles in the form or the related legislation. The form or
Letters of guarantee arranged in contravention of the applicable legislation shall not be considered valid.
26.5. Guarantees may be replaced by other values accepted as collateral.
26.6. In any case, the guarantees received by the Contracting Entity cannot be confiscated and the precautionary measure
Article 27 - Place of Submission of Bid Bond
27.1.Teminate letters are submitted to the tender commission within the tender envelope.
27.2.To put the collaterals other than the letters of letters into the Accounting Directorates and
receipts must be submitted in the offer envelope.
Article 28 - Temporary Coverage
28.1. The bid bond of the tenderer over the tender shall be given as a guarantee.
is returned immediately after signing.
28.2. The guarantees of the other tenderers shall be returned after the approval of the tender decision.
28.3. The return of the bid bond shall be paid to the Bank or its representative upon signature.
by hand delivery.
Article 29- Bidding and Opening of Bids
29.1. The tenders shall be submitted to the Contracting Entity by the tender hours specified in the tender document. By the tender commission
the number of bids given in the tender document as specified in a minute
announced to the public and immediately start the tender. Tender commission according to order of receipt
It examines. 21.1 of specification. envelopes which are not suitable for
is not considered. Envelopes are opened with the bidders in the order of receipt in front of those present.
29.2. Bidders' documents are missing and the bid letter and temporary guarantees
check whether it is suitable or not. The documents are incomplete or the preliminary guarantee
unsuitable bidders are identified in minutes. Bidders and bid prices are announced. This process
the minutes prepared by the tender commission is signed. At this stage; no rejection of the offer or
acceptance of the proposal cannot be corrected and completed. Bids on tenders
the session is closed to be evaluated immediately.
Article 30- Evaluation of Bids
30.1. In the evaluation of tenders, first the documents are incomplete or temporary
as stipulated in the first session according to Article 29 of this Specification,
it is decided to exclude the bids of the tenderers. But the basis of the proposal
lack of documentation or insignificant information in the documents
if there is a deficiency, the tenderer shall not
completion is requested in writing. Failed to complete the document or information within the specified time
bidders are excluded from evaluation.
30.2. The documents are complete and the tender letter and the bid bond are in accordance with the procedures
is evaluated. At this stage, the tenderers determine the capacity of the tender
and whether the bids are in compliance with the conditions specified in the tender document.
Bidding letter showing the prices offered by the bidders and the arithmetic error in the annex table
arithmetical errors on the basis of unit prices offered by the tenderers
corrected by. The proposal found as a result of this correction, as the bidder's main bid
and this situation is immediately notified to the tenderer by post. The tenderer is deemed to have accepted this.
30.3. The same price is offered by more than one tenderer and they are
if it is understood that there is an advantageous offer, the non-price elements mentioned below should be taken into consideration.
The tender is finalized by determining the most economically advantageous tender.
30.3.1. The work experience certificate related to the subject, and the amount more than the willingness (in this case, the
time for preparation of experience certificate),
30.3.2. Willingness to guarantee maximum duration,
30.3.3. Eager to have ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certificate,
30.3.4. The OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificate.
30.4. In the final stage, the most economically advantageous tender in the tender as a result of the evaluation
The tenderer who determines the tender is left on this willingness. However, the tender is not willing or
if the price is not acceptable to the tender commission.
the tender can be negotiated or rescheduled. the tender
the same conditions and conditions specified in the specification if translated into bargaining
It is mandatory.
30.5. By setting the reasoned decision of the tender commission, it provides for the approval of the contracting officer. decision on
bidders' names or trade names, quoted prices, date of tender
the reasons for which it was made, the reasons for not doing the tender.
30.6. The tender authority shall approve the tender decision within ten (10) days following the date of the decision or
cancels the grounds clearly.
30.7. Procurement; in case of approval of the decision is valid and, if canceled, shall be deemed null and void.
30.8. The tender shall be sent to the notifications of the tenderers, who are not subject to tender, by mail to the notification addresses or
30.9. The Administration is free to reject all tenders and cancel the tender.
Article 31- Invitation to Contract
To the bidder who has been awarded the tender by the performance bond within ten (10) days following the date of notification.
contract to be signed by the Contracting Entity,
notified to the notification address by registered mail. The letter should be
the following seventh (7.) day shall be deemed to be notification date to the tenderer. If deemed appropriate by the Contracting Entity,
Ten (10) days can be added.
Article 32- Performance Bond
The tenderer remaining on the tender shall be calculated on the tender price before the contract is signed.
The guarantee is obtained at the rate of% 6.
Article 33- The Duty and Responsibility of the Tenderer for the Contract
33.1. The tenderer who remains over the tender, 31 of this Specification. giving the guarantee within the period in
has to sign the contract. Immediate security return immediately after the contract is signed
It will be.
33.2. Without complying with these requirements, without the need for protest and provision
The bid bond of the remaining tenderer on the tender shall be recorded as income.
Article 34- Contract to the Contract
34.1. Contract tender prepared by the Administration in accordance with the conditions in the tender document
and signed by the contractor.
34.2. According to the relevant legislation regarding the contract to be paid tax (excl. VAT)
fees and other contract expenses belong to the contractor.
34.3. Unless otherwise stated in the tender document, it is not obligatory to submit the contract to the notary public.
Article 35- Place and Conditions of Payment
35.1. The payment for the service subject to the tender shall be made by TULOMSAS Financial Affairs Department.
35.2. Provisions on the regulation of entitlement, accrual, deductions and payment
the contract is included in the draft.
35.3. For the contractor service work, the appropriations specified in the contract shall be
has to spend.
35.4. Contractor, the contract does not exceed the price of the work program, more than the job program
in the case of overtime, the cost of the work is paid within the allowance.
35.5. In accordance with the contract, the price of the material delivered in the
Article 36 - Advance Payment and Conditions
No advance payment shall be made to the Contractor during the performance of the commitment.
Article 37- Price Difference Payment and Calculation Conditions
The price difference for this work will not be paid.
Article 38 - Date of Work and Work Completion
Starting from the date of signature of the contract, the delivery period will come into force and work will start. From this date
from 16.07.2012-31.08.2012 will be performed between dates. Specified delivery
deliveries to be made in a timely manner shall be possible if the Administration deems it appropriate.
Article 39 - Provisions and Conditions of Time Extension
39.1. Force majeure;
a) Natural disasters,
b) Legal strike,
c) general epidemics,
d) Declaration of partial or general mobilization,
e) Other similar situations to be determined by the administration when necessary.
39.2. To be accepted as force majeure and to give extension
the situation that will cause the force majeure;
a) has not arisen from a fault caused by the contractor,
b) Prevent the fulfillment of the commitment,
c) the contractor was not able to eliminate this obstacle;
d) Twenty (20) days following the date when the force majeure occurred.
to give notice,
e) Certification by competent authorities is mandatory.
39.3. In addition, the contract, the contract and the General Terms of Service
failing to fulfill its obligations (place delivery, approval of projects and work program,
and therefore the liability of the contractor is not due to delays.
that this situation prevents the fulfillment of the commitment and that the
in case the power is not enough to eliminate; the situation is examined by the administration, work to prevent
period of one or all of the delayed work, depending on the reasons and nature of the work
Article 40 - Additional Work, Contract and Liquidation of the Contract
40.1. If a job increase is necessary due to unforeseen circumstances,
a) to remain within the scope of the contract,
b) It is not technically or economically feasible to leave the original work without imposing the administration,
conditions, up to 20% of the contract price, in the contract and tender document
in accordance with the provisions of the same contractor to do the additional work is authorized to handle.
40.2. If it is understood that the work cannot be completed under these conditions,
account is liquidated according to general provisions. In this case, however, the contractor shall
and in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
40.3. Minumum of Work: Under the contract price is understood to be completed
The contract is paid to the contractor and the contract is closed on the amount / job.
40.4. In the case of job increases and work decreases to be realized within the scope of the contract,
the General Terms of Service Works and the relevant provisions of the contract of employment
41- Penalties and Deductions
The contract is specified in the draft.
Article 42- Acceptance, Delivery, Inspection, Acceptance and Terms
The inspection and acceptance procedures of the service subject to the contract, the draft contract and the Service Works General
It shall be realized in accordance with the provisions specified in its specifications.
Article 43- Dispute Resolution
43.1. Conflicts in the process until the signing of the contract and its entry into force
in the Administrative Court may be subject to litigation.
43.2. In case of disputes arising from the implementation of the contract,
the relevant provisions shall apply.
Article 44- Other Matters
44.1. 4734 and 4735 with respect to this tender, except for the prohibition of the Administration, penalties and tenders
Not subject to the Law.
44.2. 3 (two) years at the rate of 2 of the order amount and the period of
warranty guarantee will be taken from the beginning.
44.3. Privacy:
44.3.1. The Contractor is responsible for the 3 in the organization or in cooperation with the Organization.
any technical / administrative activity that it has acquired together with the business activities carried out; business,
decision, interview, information transfer, common design, picture, process, treaty, method, business plans, programs,
invention, R & D and prototype studies, including, but not limited to
information sharing, Organization and 3. confidentiality, good so as not to violate the rights and obligations of individuals
intend to keep private and confidential under the provisions of intention and official legislation; Fulfillment of the contract
will not use in any way other than its purpose, without the prior written permission of the Contracting Entity
it will not disclose or publish any details. Decisions of Turkish judicial authorities
any disclosure or publication requirement for the purposes of the Agreement,
If a dispute arises, the decision of the Administration on this matter will be final.
44.3.2. The Contracting Entity shall not be liable for any failure to comply with this obligation.
loss, loss of rights or loss of rights, therefore, all kinds of damage suffered other rights
to be collected and compensated (including deprived profits and missed opportunities) from the Contractor
Renovation of the drive system of Waldrich Siegen brand 1
According to 120.143
NOTE: All kinds of work related to the subject of the tender belongs to the contractor.
2) Value added by 5 / 10 on invoices to be issued by the contractor for the said job
Tax (VAT) withholding will be applied.