Is Vertigo A Disease Or A Symptom Of A Disease?

If there is a balance problem, a comprehensive hearing test should be done.
If there is a balance problem, a comprehensive hearing test should be done.

Dizziness that makes the person feel spinning is known as "vertigo". Contrary to popular belief, vertigo is not a disease, it is stated that it is one of the symptoms of some diseases. Experts state that vertigo is caused by the disruption of the organization in the inner ear, eye and skeleton-muscular system caused by the inner ear and its connections. The experts, stating that people with vertigo complaints should first see an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) physician, recommend that the exercises recommended by the audiologist be applied meticulously after the hearing and balance test.

Üsküdar University Health Sciences Faculty Audiology Department Head Dr. Faculty Member Didem Şahin Ceylan shared important information about vertigo and provided advice.

Vertigo is not a disease, but a symptom of some diseases

Dr. Faculty Member Didem Şahin Ceylan said that vertigo was among the complaints of a significant portion of the patients who applied to clinics due to imbalance.

Saying, “Vertigo is the medical equivalent of dizziness in the circling style,” Dr. Faculty Member Didem Şahin Ceylan said, “Contrary to popular belief, we can say that vertigo is not a disease but one of the symptoms of some diseases for clinicians. Balance is a sense built on the inner ear, eye, and skeletal-muscular system. Imbalance can be caused by problems experienced elsewhere in this triangle. " said.

Detailed examination is required

Dr. Faculty Member Didem Şahin Ceylan continued as follows: “Since the problem concerns a wide anatomical and physiological region, it requires detailed questions and investigations in order to find the underlying cause. In other words, not every imbalance complaint is caused by a disease that will cause vertigo. Dizziness, difficulty walking, blackout, and sometimes accompanying complaints such as staggering, falling, and fainting can all be described as imbalance. In fact, each of them expresses a different complaint than vertigo. Therefore, the boundaries should be determined well, as it may result from diseases related to different organs and systems. It is very important to clearly understand the person's complaint and to determine which of the imbalance processes he has experienced in order to name the disease. "

Vertigo, a condition associated with the inner ear

Emphasizing that the inner ear is obliged to send information about the movement of the head to the eye and skeleton-muscular system, Dr. Faculty Member Didem Şahin Ceylan said, “If the inner ear does its job correctly, the eyes are repositioned according to the new position of the head, and the skeletal-muscular system contributes to the balance of the body with the necessary contractions and relaxations. Vertigo may occur if the disruption of this organization is caused by the inner ear and its connections. " said.

Dizziness can be a symptom of many illnesses

Dr. Faculty Member Didem Şahin Ceylan listed the characteristics of inner ear diseases and vertigo, which often cause vertigo:

“Position-related dizziness disease is known colloquially as crystal play. Especially when the person bends over to tie shoes and turns from right to left in the bed, a dizziness that feels around as the position of the head changes occurs. In Meniere's disease, swirling dizziness occurs, accompanied by fullness in the ears, tinnitus and hearing loss. In the balance nerve infection in the inner ear, after a recent upper respiratory tract infection and when lying on one side, dizziness is experienced in a rotating manner with a sense of relief. In inner ear infection, we can mention the presence of hearing loss that starts with dizziness. "

Hearing tests must be done

Dr. Faculty Member Didem Şahin Ceylan stated that people with vertigo complaints should first see an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) physician and continued his words as follows:

“After the examination of the ENT physician, it is important to perform hearing and balance evaluations by an audiologist, respectively. The fact that some balance problems were accompanied by hearing loss revealed the importance of comprehensive hearing tests. In other words, a balance assessment without hearing tests is unthinkable. After a detailed hearing evaluation, a number of tests are performed to measure the balance-related functions of the inner ear. In some of the tests, it is determined whether the changes that occur in the inner ear after head movements will be reflected on the person's eyes with a special eyeglasses placed in the patient's eye. In some tests, it is checked whether the electrodes placed in the face and neck regions and the inner ear, eye and skeleton-muscle trio are in a healthy communication. In some balance tests, air or water is given to the ears, and in others, the source of the problem is investigated with virtual reality applications where the ground is moving. All these tests and examinations take at least 45 minutes. Although vertigo complaints are evaluated primarily in terms of the inner ear, the person should be referred to the relevant physicians if no ear problems are observed.

Exercises should not be neglected

Stating that in Meniere's disease, sometimes the change in eating habits, repositioning of the crystals that change their location with maneuvers under the control of the audiologist, and sometimes with exercise programs to strengthen the neural connections of the relevant system, Dr. Faculty Member Didem Şahin Ceylan said, “Although the process varies according to what the disease is and its course, it is prepared specifically by an audiologist. In long-term rehabilitation programs, control should be provided at certain intervals, test repetitions should be performed and it should be stated that the patient should do his exercises meticulously at home. " said.