Sarma Stream Bridge is Being Restored in Manisa Şehzadeler

The Sarma Stream bridge, which connects many rural neighborhoods in Manisa's Şehzadeler district and collapsed due to heavy rain, has started to be rebuilt by Manisa Metropolitan Municipality. Manisa

Deputy Secretary General of the Metropolitan Municipality, Ali Öztozlu, examined the construction works on site, accompanied by the Head of the Road Construction, Maintenance and Repair Department, Kurtuluş Kuruçay, and the Neighborhood Headmen. Öztozlu exchanged views on the project while informing the neighborhood headmen about the work to be done.

Giving information about the feverishly carried out works, Kurtuluş Kuruçay, Head of the Road Construction Maintenance and Repair Department, said, “Our Sarma Stream bridge, which provides transportation to our neighborhoods in Yunusemre and Şehzadeler districts, was destroyed in the heavy rains in the past months. In line with the instructions of our Metropolitan Municipality Mayor, Mr. Cengiz Ergün, we completed the construction tender process by projecting our bridge with our own means as soon as possible. We started working as of last weeks. Our existing collapsed bridge here was 16 meters long and approximately 6 meters wide. We designed this bridge to be 25 meters long and 10 meters wide. "In order to strengthen the ground, we aim to build 16 meters of ready-made reinforced concrete beams, drive approximately 25 piles and expand the stream crossings, and offer them to the service of our citizens as soon as possible," he said.