Enthusiasm continued with Sinan Akçıl in Bursa Osmangazi

As part of the promotional activities before the official opening of Osmangazi Square in Bursa, the excitement continued with the Sinan Akçıl concert. At the concert attended by Osmangazi Mayor Mustafa Dündar, young people had an unforgettable evening with Akçıl's songs.

Recently, the popular name of Turkish Pop Music, Sinan Akçıl, took the stage in the giant square where Sefo, the shining name of Turkish Rap music, and successful young singer Bilal Sonses gave a concert.

The people of Bursa showed great interest in the concert. Almost everyone, young and old, who came to watch the concert sang along with Akçıl's songs. Young people and children danced to their heart's content. Akçıl, who included the works of different singers in his concert as well as his own compositions, enthused his fans with his songs and dances.

Osmangazi Mayor Mustafa Dündar, who went on stage and greeted the citizens, presented an Osman Gazi figurine to the famous singer. Mayor Dündar also thanked the young people who attended the concert and said, “Osmangazi Square is yours. This square is the meeting point of Bursa. The whole world saw the Panorama 1326 Bursa Conquest Museum. If there are any of you who haven't seen it, they should definitely go and see it. Young people, you have always been by my side. "Our activities and works will continue for you," he said.