Meral Akşener is in Yozgat

Mustafa Görkem Taştan, announced as the mayoral candidate by İYİ Party Chairman Meral Akşener, said that they will implement GOOD municipality in Yozgat. Taştan, who promised change to Chairman Akşener, said, "If you want the people of Yozgat to receive service from this government until 2028, change it," and said, "Yozgat has not received the service it deserves from the government so far. We will change the government in Yozgat, starting from the local level. "Together, we will build Yozgat, a rich, happy and strong city that produces in every field," he said.


Stating that they are working to ensure that Yozgat gets what it deserves in service, Taştan said: “I would like to thank our Chairman, Ms. Meral Akşener, who nominated me as the Yozgat Mayor candidate, for her trust. As we have done so far, we will continue our work to ensure that Yozgat receives the service it deserves. We will bring our vision of GOOD municipality to our citizens. We will make Yozgat a brand city with our nation-oriented service approach. year 2024; It will be a year in which we pave the way to power with our municipality that does not steal, does not let others steal, and finds solutions to the problems of every citizen from 7 to 77. 2024 will be the year of the İYİ Party!”