Kahramanmaraş's Urban Design Project is Rising Rapidly

The Urban Design Project initiated by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change in the city center is rising rapidly. Mayor Güngör said, "Within the scope of the project, a total of 10 thousand residences and workplaces are being added to our city center."

While work continues feverishly in all areas of the development and construction of New Kahramanmaraş, from infrastructure to transportation, from superstructure to social facilities, from green areas to health complexes, the Urban Design Project initiated in the city center by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change is also progressing rapidly. By TOKİ and Emlak Konut; The construction of permanent residences and workplaces continues in Hayrullah District, Government Boulevard, Zübeyde Hanım Boulevard, opposite the Governorship, Trabzon Street and Cahit Zarifoğlu Street. Azerbaijan Neighborhood, which was implemented by the Azerbaijani State in Hayrullah District, while the blocks opposite the Government Boulevard and the old governor's building are rising rapidly; Pre-foundation ground preparations continue on Zübeyde Hanım Boulevard, Trabzon Street and Cahit Zarifoğlu Street. While the tender for nearly 4 thousand residences and workplaces has been made and the construction has started, a total of 10 thousand residences and workplaces will be added to the city center within the scope of the project.

10 Thousand Residences and Workplaces in the City Center

Stating that the city center will regain its former vitality with the Urban Design Project, Metropolitan Mayor Hayrettin Güngör said, “In line with our new Kahramanmaraş goal, the construction of permanent residences and workplaces in our city center and districts continues at a great pace. On the anniversary of the February 6 earthquakes, we drew the lottery for 9 thousand 289 houses with the honor of our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The Urban Design Project initiated by our Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change in our city center continues rapidly. While permanent residences and workplaces are rising, ground preparations for new buildings are continuing. Within the scope of the project, a total of 10 thousand residences and workplaces will be added to our city center. Tender for nearly 4 thousand residences and workplaces was made and work started. The projects started to be constructed will be completed within 1 year. "When these projects are completed, the new Kahramanmaraş will regain its former vitality with its residences and workplaces, infrastructure and superstructure, social facilities, green areas and transportation," he said.