Çamlıca Tourism Facilities Are Being Put into Service

The construction of Çamlıca Tourism Facilities, which was implemented by the Metropolitan Municipality in Pınarbaşı location, has been completed. Following landscaping and landscaping applications, the new investment is planned to be put into service in a short time.

Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality, which feverishly continues its infrastructure and superstructure investments in the development and construction of New Kahramanmaraş, also continues to complete the projects that it started to build before the February 6 earthquakes. In this context, the construction of Çamlıca Restaurant and Social Facility, which was implemented in Pınarbaşı location of Dulkadiroğlu district, has been completed. The facility is located on a total area of ​​2 thousand square meters; The 900-storey restaurant and cafeteria, which has a closed service area of ​​2 square meters, is preparing to serve its guests with its play groups, green area and social facilities. At the facility, whose construction has been completed, landscaping and landscaping applications have also been completed. The facility, which will offer comfort and taste to its guests at the same time with its unique view intertwined with nature, will be opened in a short time.