Where does the saying 'We are from Adana, we are men of God' come from?

Where does the saying 'We are from Adana, we are men of God' come from?
Where does the saying 'We are from Adana, we are men of God' come from?

The saying "We are from Adana, we are men of God" is based on the heroism shown by the soldiers from Adana in the Gallipoli War. In the Battle of Lone Pine, which took place between 6-10 August 1915, that slope where 21 out of every 11 people who went to war from Adana's districts were martyred and hundreds of Adana citizens were martyred, is today known as "Adana Ridge".

During the war, soldiers from Adana showed great heroism against the enemy soldiers and became a nightmare for the enemy soldiers. The enemy soldiers were afraid to approach the trench where the Adana soldiers were and started to retreat, saying, "Don't go that way, they are God's men."

After this incident, soldiers from Adana began to be known as "men of God". Over time, this saying was adapted into Turkish as "People of Adana are men of God" and became a common saying among the people of Adana.

The saying "We are from Adana, we are men of God" is a saying that represents the courage, heroism and patriotism of our citizens from Adana. This saying is a reflection of the heroic epics of the people of Adana throughout history.

The word is still frequently used by the people of Adana today. This word is a word that represents the pride and honor of our citizens from Adana.