Leader of the International Drug Cartel Caught in Istanbul

Leader of the International Drug Cartel Caught in Istanbul
Leader of the International Drug Cartel Caught in Istanbul

Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya announced that Christijan Palic, one of the managers of the 'Western Balkan Wing' of the international drug cartel, who was wanted by Interpol with a blue bulletin during the 'Kartal-3' operation held in Istanbul, was caught in Beşiktaş.

Our Minister, Mr. Ali Yerlikaya's post on social media is as follows:

I want our dear nation to know that; We are determined to cleanse our Turkey from national and international organized crime organizations and poison traffickers, and we will achieve this with your support.

It was determined that the Poison Trader Cartel, in cooperation with cartels operating in Europe, pioneered the supply of cocaine from South America, established connections with criminal organizations in South America and played an important role in laundering the proceeds of crime.

Croatian national Christijan PALIČ, who was reported by European countries to be among the managers of the "Western Balkan Wing" within the scope of drug operations in Europe, was wanted with Interpol's Blue Notice issued by European countries and Brazil.

Christijan PALIČ, who was followed internationally by our Istanbul Anti-Narcotic Crimes Branch, Intelligence Branch, Anti-Immigrant Smuggling and Border Gates Branch Directorates under the coordination of the General Directorate of Security, was caught in Beşiktaş with the KARTEL-3 operation.

I congratulate our Hero Police who organized the operation. Our nation's prayers are with you. May God not let a stone touch your feet.