How Many Calories Should I Take In A Day To Lose Weight?

How Many Calories Should I Take In A Day To Lose Weight?
How Many Calories Should I Take In A Day To Lose Weight?

Correctly determining your daily calorie needs during the weight loss process is the key to successful results. This article, which focuses on how the daily calorie intake is calculated and the factors to be considered in weight maintenance and slimming processes, deals with the steps required for a healthy and sustainable weight management.

You are in the right place to reach your weight loss goal! Taking the first step is one of the most important steps in the weight loss process. If you are curious about your diet and need motivation on how to proceed, let our online dietitians prepare a special plan for you. Click now to review this plan and create a diet list that suits you. Your weight loss journey is just a click away! (Click and Slim!)

How Many Calories Should I Take In A Day To Lose Weight?

This tool calculates how many calories you need to consume daily to reach your weight loss goal, using a scientifically-based and sensitive research formula.

The Mifflin-St Jeor equation has proven that it predicts calorie needs correctly in numerous studies and this calculation is correct.

How Many Calories Should Be Taken Daily?

Reducing your daily calorie intake does not actually require you to starve. Losing weight is based on lifestyle and dietary changes, such as exercising, consuming adequate water, increasing protein intake and reducing carbohydrates. These simple steps can help you lose weight while also increasing your overall happiness.

Some calorie calculators help you find out how many calories you need to maintain your weight. But what if you want to lose weight? Then “how many calories should I eat to lose weight?” It is necessary to find an answer to the question.

What should I do to lose weight?

What should I do to lose weight?

The answers to all these questions that come to your mind about your weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance goals are actually very simple. Just use the calculator above to figure out how many calories you need. Enter your information, see the results and find out how many calories you need in a day. So “how many calories should I eat to lose weight?” You will find the answer to the question and you can move forward with firm steps towards your goal.

One study found that weight loss programs that included calorie counting resulted in an average of 3,3 kg more weight loss than normal. While you are dieting, you can learn how many calories you will eat from the calorie section on our site (how many calories).

If you say "I want to lose weight", you can benefit from the diet plans prepared by our expert dietitians for you. These plans have been created taking into account your daily calorie needs for weight loss.

If you can't access the internet all the time and are looking for an estimated answer for servings of food, here are a few examples for you:

  • 1 serving of rice or pasta (1/2 cup): computer mouse or palm.
  • 1 portion of meat: a deck of cards.
  • 1 serving of fish: a checkbook.
  • 1 slice of cheese: a lipstick or the size of your thumb.
  • 1 serving of fresh fruit (1/2 cup): a tennis ball.
  • 1 serving of green leafy vegetables (1 cup): one baseball.
  • 1 serving of vegetables (1/2 cup): computer mouse.
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil: 1 fingertip.

How Many Calories Should We Take On Average Per Day?

The average woman needs about 2000 calories per day. It takes 1500 calories to lose one pound a week. The average man needs 2500 calories to maintain his weight and 2000 calories to lose a pound a week. However, this may vary according to the age, height, current weight, physical activity level and general health of the individuals. If you are aiming to lose weight, the basic principle is this: the daily amount of calories consumed should be lower than the calories burned.

What is a Calorie?

A calorie is a unit that measures energy. Calories are often used to measure the energy content of food and beverages.

I wonder if we can achieve weight loss just by calculating calories? While calories determine the energy taken from food, the amount of calories alone is often not enough in the weight loss process. During this period, the quality of the foods you consume in your diet is as important as the quantity.

For example, the health effects of french fries, which have the same calories as 100 calories of broccoli, are not equal. The effects of different foods on the feeling of hunger, appetite hormones and the amount of calories burned are quite different from each other.

“If you say, 'I am knowledgeable about sustainable dieting, but I still cannot lose weight, I apply fast weight loss methods but I am not successful', you can benefit from online diet programs that will be specially prepared by online dietitians for you. 

How Can You Reduce Your Calorie Intake Without Feeling Hunger?

Individuals lose weight when they consume fewer calories than they need. However, calorie restriction alone, without considering nutritional content, often does not lead to permanent weight loss. For this reason, diets are often abandoned when the desired results are not achieved. Therefore, it is recommended to make constant lifestyle changes so that you can maintain your calorie deficit in the long run and not feel hungry.

How Many Calories Should I Miss to Lose Weight?

How much calorie deficit is required for 1 kilogram of weight loss? For a weight loss of 1 kilogram, you usually need to burn 7000 calories.

Shocking diet lists and similar extremely restricted diets (approximately 500-800 calories per day) make it difficult to maintain your diet, reduce your motivation to lose weight, and can lead to muscle loss. Instead of losing 5 kilos a week, you should aim to lose at most 1 kilo a week for healthy and permanent weight loss. Because without a regular nutrition program, the weight you lose can come back to you quickly, perhaps doubled.

So What Should We Do If We Want To Gain Weight, Not Lose It?

So What Should We Do If We Want To Gain Weight, Not Lose It?

There are people who are trying to gain weight as well as people who want to lose weight. If you do not have a basic disease, such as thyroid, anorexia, bulimia, what you need to do is to increase your calorie intake.

“I want to gain weight, but I have no appetite. What should we eat to gain weight? If you say so, you should consume healthy foods in addition to the meals you eat, since what you need to do is to increase the daily weight gain. To gain weight, you should increase your intake of foods such as whole milk, cheese, yoghurt, nuts, avocado and oats, and you can turn to liquid and high-calorie foods.

You are in the right place to reach your weight loss goal! Taking the first step is one of the most important steps in the weight loss process. If you are curious about your diet and need motivation on how to proceed, let our online dietitians prepare a special plan for you. Click now to review this plan and create a diet list that suits you. Your weight loss journey is just a click away! (Click and Slim!)