Omega 3 is a must for the development of intelligence in children!

Omega is a must for the development of intelligence in children!
Omega 3 is a must for the development of intelligence in children!

Neurosurgery Specialist Op.Dr. Kerem Bıkmaz gave information about the subject. Omega 3 is a very important fatty acid that plays a role in brain and neural transmissions. Therefore, its deficiency results in retardation in the development of intelligence or in the ability to comprehend.

It is essential to emphasize the role of Omega 3 for child health and brain development! 20 percent of the fat in the brain consists of Omega-3s called DHA. Cold sea fish is rich in omega-3 and DHA. Therefore, it is necessary to take omega 3 and the most suitable way is to consume cold sea fish, namely salmon, mackerel and tuna. Omega-3 is a fatty acid that is very important in the nervous system of the brain. Therefore, its deficiency results in retardation in the development of intelligence or in the ability to comprehend.

Increasing the intake of omega 3, especially in age groups where intelligence development is rapid, shows a high increase in the intelligence level and comprehension ability of the child.


We know that omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, contribute to brain, nerve and retinal development in children.

There are studies in the literature showing that children who take omega 3 supplements or eat rich in omega 3 have higher school success.

A diet rich in EPA and DHA should be given importance for the healthy development and growth of the child. Fish oils obtained from fish living in deep and cold seas are rich in EPA and DHA.

The omega-3 fatty acid DHA found in fish oil helps the normal development of the brain and the development of the eye and nervous system in children aged 4-13.

For this reason, it is essential for brain development to increase the intake of omega 3 fatty acids in all individuals and to prevent deficiencies by consuming fish rich in hazel and yha, especially in developmental children.