There Are 1 Million 300 Thousand Beta Thalassemia Carriers in Turkey

There Are Millions of Beta Thalassemia Carriers in Turkey
There Are 1 Million 300 Thousand Beta Thalassemia Carriers in Turkey

In order to emphasize the importance of thalassemia and other hereditary blood diseases and to raise awareness in the society, 1993 May has been commemorated as "World Thalassemia Day" all over the world since 8. Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) Türkiye Medical Director Exp. Dr. Devrim Emel Alici shared information about today's special thalassemia disease and the importance of blood donation.

Thalassemia, known as "Mediterranean anemia" and "Mediterranean anemia" due to its frequent occurrence in countries around the Mediterranean, is a disease in which severe anemia can be seen and can be passed from generation to generation with genetic factors. Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) Türkiye Medical Director Uzm.Dr. Devrim Emel Alici announced that there are approximately 1 million 300 thousand beta thalassemia carriers and around 4500 thalassemia patients in Turkey. “Even if carriers do not show symptoms, their children can be born with beta thalassemia when they have children with another carrier. In order to prevent the spread of the disease, it is of great importance for people to have beta thalassemia tests and learn whether they are carriers or not.

Thalassemia patients who need blood transfusion regularly may face difficulties in finding blood. Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) Türkiye Medical Director Uzm.Dr. Devrim Emel Alici said, "Although the projects related to blood donation carried out in our country so far focus on the urgent need for blood, the blood donation rates are unfortunately at low levels. For this reason, it is of critical importance to raise awareness about blood donation and increase blood donation rates.