Cordless Charging Station Established in Kocaeli City Hospital

Battery Charge Station Established in Kocaeli City Hospital
Cordless Charging Station Established in Kocaeli City Hospital

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality continues its works without interruption in order to make the services it offers accessible to our disabled citizens. Working with the aim of making existing built areas, transportation systems and information systems 'accessible', the Metropolitan has established a battery charging station in the newly opened Kocaeli City Hospital for the use of our citizens using wheelchairs.


In order to facilitate the participation of citizens who use electric wheelchairs in social life, the stations were opened to the use of the citizens, on the Izmit Cumhuriyet Boulevard, opposite the Fevziye Mosque, in front of the Yeni Cuma and Industrial Vocational High School. Making accessibility services accessible in the city where people with disabilities live, Metropolitan also; Darıca Balyanoz Camp, in front of Kartepe Municipality, Kandıra Bus Terminal, in front of Başiskele Municipality, Gölcük Anıt Park, in front of Karamürsel District Governorship and Bus Station, Derince Municipality City Square, Körfez Tütünciftlik beach and in front of the Disabled Association, Hereke Campus, in front of Çayırova Naim Süleymanoğlu Cultural Center, Fatih Chad. In front of the Taxi Stand, in front of Gebze Municipality, next to ATMs, Akse Square in the park, and 1 electric chair charging stations in front of the Beylikbağı Science and Art Center Police Security Point were put into service for the citizens. Authorities stated that battery charging stations are planned to be installed in areas deemed appropriate in each district.


Battery charging stations, which allow disabled people to come to the city center without hesitation, were built in a way to protect disabled citizens from the effects of rain and sun. The covered stations are designed to allow 3 disabled vehicles to charge at the same time. Charging stations with fast charging feature and the amperage selection of the wheelchair battery enable disabled individuals to spend more time in social areas where they can charge their battery-operated vehicles without paying any cost. Citizens charging their vehicles will also be able to watch informational images and videos on the LCD screen installed at the charging station.