ISIB Attended Aquatherm Moscow Fair with Info Stand

Attended ISIB Aquatherm Moscow Fair with Info Stand
ISIB Attended Aquatherm Moscow Fair with Info Stand

Air Conditioning Industry Exporters' Association (ISIB) attended the Aquatherm Moscow Fair held in Moscow, the capital of Russia, between 14-17 February with Info Stand.

27 international exhibitors from 13 countries and nearly 469 visitors attended the Aquatherm Moscow Fair, which was held for the 5000th time this year. Turkey was represented at the fair with 57 companies, including ISIB. Kerem Ünlü, Member of the Board of Directors, representing İSİB, attended the fair.

Visiting the stands of İSİB and Turkish exhibitors at the fair, Turkish Republic Ambassador to Moscow Mehmet Samsar, Republic of Turkey Chief Commercial Counselor Alper Eriten, Republic of Turkey Commercial Counselors Ersan Volkan Demirel and Mustafa Gökceoğlu received information from the authorities and exchanged information about the commercial relations between the two countries.

Also at the fair, ABOK officials, the Russian Association of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics Engineers, were discussed about the Education and Trade Delegation to be organized in Moscow on 5-8 April 2023.

Expressing that the Aquatherm Moscow Fair was very busy and crowded, ISIB Board Member Kerem Ünlü said, “Russia is the 14th largest sector importer in the world with its imports of the air conditioning industry of approximately 12 billion dollars. As the Turkish Air Conditioning Industry, we are one of the top 10 exporters in the sub-product groups of our industry in this country. As an industry, we prepared seriously for the Aquatherm Moscow Fair in order to raise this level even higher. 57 different companies took part in the fair and established very productive relations with their commercial counterparts. I believe that we will further strengthen our position in the country with our commercial and educational activities in the coming period. As ISIB, we were happy to host our industry companies and our guests in Russia at our stand and to host meetings during the fair.”