Dhikr To Forget Someone – A Prayer To Forget His Loved One In 1 Week

what prayer to say to forget someone
what prayer to say to forget someone

Questions such as dhikr to forget someone have been asked by many people lately. We have searched for you the prayer to forget your loved one and the effective prayer not to forget someone.

Making dhikr to forget someone is a method preferred by many people. As a matter of fact, each of the 99 names of Almighty Allah is known with different virtues and miracles. This ensures that what is in the hearts of His servants, who take refuge in Allah, always comes true.

Bilateral relations may not always last correctly and beautifully. In such cases, it is recommended to chant Ya Mumit. People who chant Ya Mumit 500 times a day can easily forget the person in their mind.

Oh Yusuf 33 Times
Ya Rauf 33 Times
Oh Rahman 99 Times
Yes Rahim 99 Times
Ya Mosque 99 Times
Either Exempt 99 Times
either enough 99 Times
Ya Shafi 99 Times

To Forget Someone Or Mümit

In order to forget someone, there are different things that can be done besides chanting Ya Mumit. Almighty Allah opens his door forever to his servants who first do their best and then take refuge in himself. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to do everything possible to forget it. Afterwards, it will be enough to chant Ya Mumit 500 times every day and read the following prayer once:

La ilahe illallah kable kulli shey'in, La ilahe illallah ba'de kulli shey'in, La ilahe illallah yabka Rabbuna wa yefni kulli shey'in. Hasbiyallhu la ilaha illahu alaihi tawakkeltu ve huve Rabb-ul arsil azim. Either violence in udeti or curbet in gavsi! Ührüsni bi-aynikelle la tenamü vekfini birüknike ellezi la walk. Hasbinallah and ni'mel-wakil. La ilahe illallah ente subhaneke inni blunt mine'z cruelin. La ilahe illallahulazim ul halim la ilahe illallahu Rabbul arch ilazim la ilahe illallahu Rabbus semavati ve rabbul edi rabbul arsil kerim.

Prayer To Forget Someone Nihat Hatipoğlu

Prayer to forget someone is also asked in Nihat Hatipoğlu publications. Here is the most frequently preferred prayer for those who want to forget someone and erase them completely from their memory:

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Yâ kadiru yâ kadiru yâ kâfî or azîzü ya cebbâr. Ve lekad ahidnâ to Âdeme min kablü fenesiye
Prayer To Forget Your Loved One

There are many people who want to pray to forget their loved ones but do not know which prayer to recite. For this reason, the prayers of forgetting your love have become very popular lately. The most read prayers for those doing research on the Internet are as follows:

  • Kale haza firaku beynı and beyik se ünbbiüke bi te'vili malem testeti' alai sabra. Vasbir li hukmi rabbike fe inneke bi a'yuninâ, ve sebbih bi hamdi rabbike hîne tekum. Ma yeftehillahu lin nasi mir mercy fe la mumsike leha ve ma yumsik fe la mursile lehu mim ba'dih ve huvel azizül Hakim.

Esma to be read to cool down from someone

Thanks to the words to be read to cool off from someone, it is possible to cool off from that person forever and never feel anything again. It is said that the most effective name for this is Ya Kafi. According to the information confirmed by Islamic scholars, the name "Ya Kafi" is among the most effective names to cool someone off.

Prayer To Not Think About Someone

The prayer to be read in order not to think about someone is also very important. As a matter of fact, believers can stay behind both from their worship and from their daily work without thinking about someone. For this reason, it is possible to reverse this situation by reciting the following prayer:

  • Fefetahnâ ebvâbes semai bi main munhemir. Ve lillahi mirasus semâvâti vel arti la yestevi minkum men enfeka min kablil feth. Nasrun minalallahi and fethhun karîbün ve Beşşiril mu'minîn. And futihatis semâü fekânet ebvâbâ. Bismillahir- rahmânirrahîm. İzâ cae nasrullahi wal feth. And ra eytan nâse yedhulûne fî dinillahi efvâcâ.

Powerful Prayer Not To Forget Someone

Effective prayer not to forget someone, as suggested by many teachers, especially Nihat Hatipoğlu, is as follows:

  • Ya Allâhu yâ Rahmânü yâ Rahîmü yâ ilahünâ ve alihi the divine revelation of the universal thing la ilahe illâ ente. Ve eseluke bismikel ma'rûfil mukaddesil meymûnetil mubaraketi en tağfirali zünûbî ve taqdî hacetî ve tensurani a'dâî ve teftehu lî ebvâbe hayratike ve in tecal l ila îmin kulli hemmin ferhank l ila îmin kulli hemmin ferhank alumdi kulanli ebvâbe min .ve sallalâhu alâ sayyidina muhammadin ve his alihi and his owner ecmeîne bi mercy, ya erhamer womb, a reverence for sayyidil murselîne wal hamdu lillahi rabbil alamîn.

We have conveyed the subjects of prayer and dhikr that you can read to forget someone. You can also share all the details that give your opinion on the subject as a comment.