Prayer for Acquittal (Tested Court Prayer)


Prayers to be read to get good results from the court and to be acquitted are investigated by many with curiosity. We have compiled for you which prayer to be read in front of the judge in court.

The prayer to be read for acquittal is especially read by believers who are in prison for unjust reasons. We can say that it is read not only by them but also for them. The prayer to be recited for acquittal is as follows:


Allahumma inni es aluke minhayri ma seeleke minhu nebiyyuke Muhammadun sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. And neûzü bike min şerri mesteâzeke min hu nebiyyüke Muhammedun sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Ve ente'l-mustean(ü), ve aleykel belağ, ve lahavle vela guvvete illabillah.


my god! I also wish for the good that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam wished from you. We take refuge in you from the evil that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam took refuge in you. Help is only expected from you. You are the one who will make people reach their goals in this world and in the hereafter. The strength to flee from sin and the strength to worship can only be gained with the help of Allah.
If you want to be acquitted from any court because you are right, you can choose to read the prayer above with faith.

Prayer to Read for a Good Judgment

Thanks to the prayer to be read for the good outcome of the court, the court outcome of many people has ended in a positive way. As a matter of fact, those who open their hands to Almighty Allah can always find a way out. The prayer for those who want their court to turn out well is as follows:


Allâhumme inni es'elüke bi-enni lek'l-hamdü la ilahe illâ ente'l-Mennânü, ya Hannanü, ya Mennanü, ya Bedi'as-semâvâti ve'l-ard, Ya zel celali vel catering.” Ya Hayyu, Ya Kayyûm.Lâ ilahe illâ ente subhaneke inni küntü minez cruelin..Allâhümme inni es'elüke bi-enni Eşhedü enneke ente'l-lâhü la ilahe illâ ente'l-Ehadü's-Samadullezi lem-yelid,ve lem yüledk, lehü kukuven Ehad.Elif Lâm Mim, Allâhü la ilahe illâ Hüve'l-Hayyu'l-Kayyûm.Ve ilahüküm ilahün Vahidün la ilahe illâ Hüve'r-Rahmanü'r-Rahim.Yâ zel celâli vel catering.Yâ Erhame'r- Rahimin.Allâhumme inni es-elüke bi-enneke ente'l-lahu la ilahe, illâ entel Vahidül-Ehadül Ferdüs Samedüllezi lem yelid ve lem yüled,ve lem yekün lehü kuküven Ahad.La İlâhe illâlâhu vahdehü'l mülheh la ve lehül hamdü ve Hüve ala kulli shey'in Kadir.La ilahe illallahu ve la havleve la power illa billahil Aliyyil Azim.Es-elüke bismike'l-e'azze'l-ecelli'l-ekrem.Rabbi,Rabbi,Rabbi, Ya Rabbi, Ya Rabbi, Ya Rabbi. La ilaha illallahu Vahdehu la sharia leh, lehülmulkulu ve lehül hamdu ve Hüve alâ kulli shey'in Kadir.Alhamduli'llâhi ve Subhan-Allahi ve'l-hamdullahi ve la ilahe illallahu v'Allahhu Akbar,ve la hawle wa la power illa billahi'l-Aliyyi'l-Azim


There is no god but Allah. However, He is Jalil and Jabbar. There is no god but Him. However, he is the one who is aware of the states of all his servants and covers up their faults. There is no god but Allah. He is the One who creates night and day. There is no god but Allah. He is one, has no partner, is one and one. We praise Him. There is no god but Allah. But He exists, He is one, He has no partner. There is only one God. We worship Him. There is no god but Allah. But He exists, He is one and has no partner. It is a single deity. We thank Him. There is no god but Allah. Allah is one, He has no partners, Muhammad is His Messenger. Hay and Trustee is Him. May Allah's mercy be upon the family and companions of Muhammad, the best of his creatures, and all of them. I testify that You are both our Lord and our Creator. O Allah, forgive me, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, forgive me with your mercy, for You are the most merciful of those who show mercy.

Tried Court Prayer

With tried court prayer, it is possible to avoid being wrongfully imprisoned and punished. This prayer has been tried by many people and the result has been achieved. Almighty Allah does not punish unjustly for anyone. For this reason, those who think that the punishment given to them is unfair can read the following prayer:

  • Zalike fadlullahi yu'tiyhi men yeşa'u vallahu zulfadlil'aziymi. Meselulleziyne hummiluttevrate summe lem yahmiluha kemeselilhimari yahmilu esfaren bi'se meselulkavmilleziyne kefzebu biayatillahi vallahu la yehdiylkavmezzalimiyne. Kul ya eyyuhelleziyne hadu in ze'amtum ennekum evilyau lillahi min duninnasi fetemennevulmevte in kuntum sadiyne. Ve la yetemennevnehu ebeden bima kaddemet eydiyhim vallahu 'aliymun bizzalimiyne.

Prayer to Win the Court

Praying to win the court is the last option for many. As a matter of fact, it is Allah-u Teala, Who created everything and has control over everything. Believers are advised to read the following prayer:

  • Feiza kudıyetissalatu fenteşiru fiyl'ardı vebteğu min fadlillahi vezkurullahe kesiyren le'allekum tuflihune. And iza reev commerceen ev lehveninfaddu ileyha ve terekuke kaimen kul ma'ndahi hayrun millehvi ve minet commerce vallahu hayrrazikiyne.

Nihat Hatipoğlu Court Prayer

Nihat Hatipoğlu suggests the following prayer for questions about the court prayer:

  • Rabbenâ âmennâ bimâ enzelte vet-teba'ner-Rasûle fektübnâ meaş-şahîdîn. And edhilnel-heaven bi intercession-Qur'an. And ilel-hayrâti kullihâ evidence and imâm. Bi fadlike ve cûdike ve keramike yâ Kerim. And keffir 'annâ sayyiâtinâ bi tilâvetil-Qur'an. Yâ zel-fadli wal-ihsan. And sebbit akdâmenâ, ven-surnâ 'alel-kavmil-kafirîn. Bi hurmethyl-Kur'anil-'azim. And ila ervâhi âlihî ve awlâdihi ve ezvâcihî ve ashâbihî ve etbâ'ihi ve cemî' zürriyyâtihî ridvânullâhi ta'âlâ 'alaihim ajma'în.

Surah Fatah to Win the Court

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It is recommended to recite Surah Fatah to win the court. As in all surahs of Allah, there are virtues and miracles in Surah Fatah. For this reason, it is possible to win the court by reading as follows:

  • Inna fetahna stain fetham mubına. Li Yagfira lakallahu ma tekaddeme min zembike ve ma teahhara ve yutimme ni'metehu aleyke ve yehdiyeke sirtam mustekiyma. And yensurakellahu nasran aziza. Hüvellezi enzeles sekinete fi kulubil mu'minine li yezdadu faithem mea imanihim ve lillahi cunudus semavati vel ard ve kanellahu amen hakima. Li yüdhilel mu'minine wal mu'minati cennatin tecre min tahtihel enharu halidine fiha ve yukeffira anhum seyyiatihim ve kane zalike indellahi fevzen aziyma.
  • And yuazzibel munafikıyne wal munafikati wal polytheist wal polytheist thinker billahi zannez sev' alaihim deratüs sev' ve ğadibellahu alaihehum ve eadde lehum hell and saet maysara. Ve lillahi cunudus semavati vel ard wa kanellahu azzen khakim. Inna erselnake şahidev and chief bailiff and nezira.

The prayer options and meanings you can read so that you can win the court are as we have included in our content. You can write your opinion on the subject in the comment field. We give feedback as soon as possible, taking into account all your comments.