What is the Climate Crisis, What are its Causes? How Can We Produce Solutions for the Climate Crisis?

What is the Climate Crisis, What are its Causes, How Can We Produce Solutions for the Climate Crisis
What is the Climate Crisis, What are its Causes, How Can We Produce Solutions for the Climate Crisis

The climate crisis is one of the biggest problems of our time that the whole world is facing strikingly. This crisis, which is destroying our planet day by day and making it difficult to live, will make it inevitable for us to live in a world much different from the one we know in the 22nd century, unless it is prevented and necessary precautions are not taken. By knowing more about the devastating effects of the climate crisis before it's too late, we can consciously tackle this problem.

What is the Climate Crisis?

The climate crisis can be briefly defined as unstable and harmful changes in climatic conditions. The climate crisis, which is closely related to global warming and similar problems; It is a great enemy that causes the world's geography to become increasingly drier, the increase in global temperature rises, and the more frequent occurrence of unpredictable precipitation and other unexpected meteorological events throughout the world. This situation, which causes the rapid destruction of the environment that people need to live, is tried to be prevented by states and international organizations around the world.

What are the Causes of the Climate Crisis?

Many factors are among the causes of the global climate crisis. The negative effects of industrialization and fossil fuel consumption, which are being struggled around the world, take us to the foundations of the crisis. The industrial revolution and mechanization that took place in England and Europe at the end of the 18th century brought oil consumption with it, causing the world's atmosphere to warm up in an unprecedented way for thousands of years. Its ever-increasing population, on the other hand, has caused these factors that harm our planet to spread to a much wider area of ​​use and pose a greater threat. The scenario, which weighed on in a few centuries, reminded us bitterly that a difficult future awaits us.

As long as the global climate crisis continues at this rate, the annual average temperature of our world is expected to increase by 3 degrees until the end of this century. This figure, which seems quite low to many of us; It can lead to major droughts on a global scale, more frequent natural disasters, extinction of animal species that are of great importance in terms of environmental balance, and much worse results. Experts already say that we may face great water and food shortages in the near future, and consumption products that are of great importance in our lives may disappear. However, at this point, among the biggest causes of the global climate crisis, besides fossil fuel consumption, livestock etc. It is also necessary to mention the effects of the sectors. The livestock sector has become such a large market worldwide that it has been realized that cattle in particular are causing much more damage to the atmosphere than we anticipated.

Suggestions to Contribute to Individual Struggle with the Climate Crisis

Gaining environmental awareness in order to create a livable world and instilling this awareness in our environment forms the basis of the methods of combating the climate crisis. Even by making small changes in your daily life habits, you can contribute to a brighter future for our planet. Although states and large companies play the biggest role in the global climate crisis, individuals can contribute to positive changes by gaining environmental awareness and adopting the right habits.

Environmental and ecology documentaries successfully show how non-governmental organizations and volunteer work around the world can resonate with this issue and how it can change the course in a positive way. Many well-known activists help prevent increasing pollution and uncontrolled consumption by raising awareness of large masses about the climate crisis through their work.

If you want to adopt and fight for a “cleaner world” approach, you can set some priorities. For example, adopting the minimum waste principle can be an important starting point; Having equipment that you can use many times instead of disposable products helps you pollute the environment less. Disposable straws, plastic water bottles and many similar products are among the biggest contributors to plastic pollution worldwide. You can produce less waste by purchasing products such as thermos, flasks and choosing cloth bags.

Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint; It is the carbon dioxide equivalent of the greenhouse gases released to the atmosphere by an individual, country or organization as a result of their activities.

Carbon footprint can be realized directly or indirectly. . Primary (direct) carbon footprint is about the damage that people cause to the environment in line with their living spaces and transportation needs. Unnecessary electricity and water consumption dramatically increases your primary carbon footprint. In addition, fine details such as inefficient light bulbs and shower heads are part of the damage. Turning to renewable energy sources in your home and choosing your white goods among products with a high level of savings will effectively reduce your primary carbon footprint. Turning to vehicles such as bicycles and public transportation as much as possible for your transportation needs helps to reduce carbon emissions and fossil fuel consumption.

Secondary (indirect) carbon footprint represents the process from the production of the products we use to their deterioration. One of the biggest examples of this is the carbon dioxide-induced damage caused by a product that we consume continuously until it reaches us. Choosing products with a low carbon footprint contributes to reducing the indirect footprint.

How Can We Produce Solutions for the Climate Crisis?

The whole world is making a great effort to prevent climate change and prevent damage to the environment. authorities such as the United Nations, Greenpeace and the Rainforest Alliance; supports governments and companies to take more conscious steps on the environment and turn to sustainable resources. Unfortunately, activities such as the oil industry, the destruction of agricultural lands, uncontrolled livestock and fishing all over the world adversely affect the fight against the climate crisis. Still, many countries and companies are more interested in sustainable and renewable solutions and try to give a wide place to these values ​​in their policies.