36 Percent Increase in Public Transportation Fees in Istanbul, 27 Percent Increase in Service Fees

36% Increase in Public Transportation Fees in Istanbul
36% Increase in Public Transportation Fees in Istanbul

At the UKOME meeting, where public transportation fees in Istanbul were discussed, a 36 percent increase decision was made, corresponding to the revaluation rate of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. Service charges were increased by 27 percent. The new fee schedule, which was unanimously approved, will be implemented as of January 1, 2022.

The December meeting of UKOME (IMM Transportation Coordination Center) was held at IMM Çırpıcı Social Facilities under the chairmanship of İBB Deputy Secretary General İbrahim Orhan Demir.

In the report presented by the IMM, it was stated that the price of fuel increased by 75 percent, electricity by 115 percent, the dollar by 53.5% and the minimum wage by 50 percent in the last year, and an increase of 36 percent for all public transportation vehicles and taxis, and 27 percent for service fees was proposed.

The proposal, which was evaluated by UKOME members, was put to the vote and accepted unanimously. According to the new price tariff that will be effective as of January 1, 2022; The full ticket tariff of 4.03 liras is 5.48 liras, the student tariff is from 1.96 liras to 2.66 liras, the teacher and 60 years old fee is from 2.88 liras to 3.91 liras, the full monthly card is from 316 liras to 430 liras, the monthly student card is 57.50 liras to 78 liras, the teacher and 60 years old monthly card is It was increased from 196 lira to 266 lira. Metrobus (full long distance) increased from 5.98 lira to 8.13 lira, student from 1.96 lira to 2.66 lira, teacher and 60 years old from 3.28 lira to 4.46 lira.

In minibuses, short distance from 2,75 liras to 3,75 liras, long-distance from 4 liras to 5,50 liras, and student fees from 1,75 liras to 2,50 liras. The 312-0 kilometer service fee, which was 1 liras, was 396 liras. In taxis, the opening fee was increased from 5.55 lira to 7 lira, short distance from 14.50 lira to 20 lira, per kilometer from 0.34 lira to 0.45 lira, waiting fee from 0.53 lira to 0.80 lira.

At the meeting, the proposal for commercial vehicles whose license expired to serve for 6 more months due to the problem experienced in the production of new vehicles was accepted unanimously.