Railway Crossings are Now Safer in Diyarbakır City Center

Railway Crossings are Now Safer in Diyarbakır City Center
Railway Crossings are Now Safer in Diyarbakır City Center

Uncontrolled over the railway in the center where our citizens densely live in Diyarbakır; Accidents occur and loss of life and property occur due to vehicle and pedestrian crossings, vehicle parks on the railway, and the marketplace established along the line. In order to prevent these accidents, Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality and Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerce and Industry on different dates requested the inclusion of the road in a letter from TCDD 5th Regional Directorate in order to ensure railway safety. 5. Our Regional Directorate designed the arrangement to be made in line with the requests from our citizens, and the tender project to be implemented on the route by the railway vehicle was explained on the spot with the participation of Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerce and Industry President, representatives of non-governmental organizations and neighborhood tradesmen under the presidency of our Diyarbakır Governor in August, and the positive support of the participants was received.

160 cm height panel will be applied as a wire fence on the concrete floor to be constructed. As stated in the false claims reflected in the press, a wall has never been built. Within the scope of the project, a total of 10 crossings will be offered to our citizens in order to avoid difficulties in the 16-kilometer line section. These; It consists of 6 level crossings, 2 underground crossings, 1 overpass and 7 pedestrian overpasses for which project preparations are ongoing. While the project continues, controlled pedestrian crossings have been determined in various places in order to prevent our citizens from being victimized.

There is a level crossing for pedestrian and vehicle crossings for the needs and demands of industrial site users and tradesmen in the Small Industrial Site area.

Contrary to the division of the city mentioned in the news into two by the wall and the fence wire with razor, the loss of life and property of our people will be prevented with the panel type tender made.

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