Gebze-Halkalı Last Rails on Suburban Line

Gebze-Halkalı The last rails are being installed on the Suburban Line. A tender was held for the construction of the connection roads of Çayırova and Fatih Train Stations. Auction; 6 million 416 thousand 438 TL bid with Rainfall Construction Taah. Forest Products Singing. Tic. Ltd. Sti. won.

Çayırova and Fatih Train Stations with the limit value of 2018/359895 KİK numbered 5 million 60 thousand 618 TL 67 kuruş and the approximate cost of 7 million 716 thousand 430 TL of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Support Services Department. Connection Roads Construction Work tender was held. 5 companies submitted bids in the tender. With 6 million 416 thousand 438 TL bid, Yağışan İnşaat Taah Orman Ürn. San.Tic.Ltd.Şti. firm won. The tender covers 2,5 km connection road construction works. The duration of the work is 350 (three hundred and fifty) calendar days from the place delivery.


The Ankara-Istanbul High Speed ​​Train project between Gebze and Haydarpaşa and the suburban line integrated with Marmaray continue to be installed. As the railways continue to be built, municipalities tend to tender for the construction of railway connection roads. The construction of the entire line is completed in August and 1.5-2 is expected to complete signal systems in a monthly period. After the test operations, the line will be put into service by the end of the year. When 45 kilometers of suburban and train lines are completed and integration with Marmaray project is achieved, Gebze Halkalı105 minutes, Bakirkoy Bostanci 37 minutes, Sogutlucesme Yenikapi in the 12 minutes to go. Even 1 million passengers per day are planned to be transported.