Physical Activity is Essential for Psychological Well-Being!

Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (İTBF) Psychology Department Head Dr. Lecturer Member Hazal Ayas explained the effect of physical activities on the elderly.

Pointing to sports and exercise psychology, Dr. Lecturer Member Hazal Ayas said, “Our body affects our mind, but our mind also affects our body. Physical activity is an important determinant of physiological well-being not only in the elderly population but for all age groups. It has positive effects especially on the cardiovascular system, metabolic system, skeletal and muscle tissue. Apart from this, it also has cognitive effects. There is no one who does not feel good after participating in any exercise program or performing physical activity. “When we feel good physically, we also feel good psychologically.” said.

Dr. stated that cognitive capacity can be used better when one feels psychologically well. Lecturer Member Hazal Ayas said, “In general, we know that physical exercise has positive physiological effects on our body. It has a direct biological effect. Physical exercise has a biological effect on well-being. Being moving equals being alive, being able to continue living. This is also the case with the elderly. It is also thought to be a little more effective, especially in the elderly. Because we know that old age means the beginning of some physiological problems in a large sense. Serious disorders in the musculoskeletal system, metabolic system and cardiovascular system begin in old age. Therefore, being active has a delaying effect on the onset of these diseases.” he said.


Noting that physical exercise is also an effective medicine in the treatment of physiological problems, Dr. Lecturer Member Hazal Ayas said, “What happens in the brain? When we engage in physical activity, the brain's oxygen consumption increases. Along with this, blood flow to the brain increases. There is an increase in cerebral blood flow rate. Changes occur in dopamine and serotonin releases and structural changes occur in the brain. These are scientifically aimed at its cognitive effects.” said.

Drawing attention to both the protective and therapeutic properties of physical movement, Dr. Lecturer Member Hazal Ayas said, “Today, daily walks and physical activities are given as part of the treatment for patients with depression and anxiety disorders and severe psychiatric disorders. Because it has a healing effect and this has been proven by research. Depression is very common, especially in old age. Sometimes it occurs alone, sometimes it can accompany dementia or other disorders secondarily. Therefore, we can say that we encounter more depression in the elderly population than in the normal population. Therefore, physical activity is important both in preventing and treating depression.” he informed.