Ministry of National Education Announced Details of the New Curriculum

The Ministry of National Education opened the new curriculum draft to discussion.

Curriculum Renewal: The new curriculum has a flexible structure and is called "Türkiye Century Education Model".

Application Stages: The new curriculum will be gradually implemented in pre-school, primary school, secondary school and high school levels.

Curriculums: New curriculums were prepared with an original educational philosophy.

Skills: Specific skills in mathematics and science were emphasized.

Student Profile: The concept of "competent and virtuous person" came to the fore.

Virtue-Value-Action Model: The importance of values ​​in the education process was emphasized.

Types of Literacy: System literacy and nine sub-literacies were identified.

Learning Processes: Learning experiences were designed in which students are active and their skills develop.

Assesment and evaluation: A process-oriented measurement and evaluation approach was adopted.

Planning: School-based planning and career guidance have an important place.