Public Union Confederation Chairman Kaya: “They buttoned the button wrong from the beginning”

Evaluating the annulment of the 2 percent threshold by the Constitutional Court, Public Union Confederation and Young Health Union Chairman Osman Kaya drew attention to the injustice in the threshold and the grievances that occurred after the threshold.

“'Unionization is being blocked'

As it is known, the collective bargaining bonus paid to the unions above the 18% membership threshold, which is 2024 TL per month, according to the decision of the Constitutional Court dated January 2024, 12, numbered 5/2024, and the Annex 32480 of the decree numbered 375, published in the Official Gazette dated March 4, 2, numbered 538. it has been canceled.
With this cancellation, members of all unions will receive a collective agreement bonus of 190 TL and will lose rights in the amount of 348 TL every month. Although this loss of rights causes a decrease in the unionization rate of civil servants, the collective bargaining bonus paid in an amount lower than the union dues deducted every month will not provide any benefit other than preventing unionization.

Loss of Rights Should Be Prevented

Within the scope of the rights and law effort, our Ministry of Labor has required an additional collective agreement or decree, etc. for this regulation, which may harm the union organization and deprive the civil servant of an acquired right to financial rights. We, as the Public Union Confederation with its 120.000 civil servant members, demand that it react urgently with the regulation and gather all civil servant unions around the same table to solve this problem.

There Cannot Be Retaliation in Civil Servant Unionism

Since the first day of the 2% Dam, we, as the Public Union Confederation, have worked with all our stakeholders to remove this anti-democratic threshold. We have become tireless defenders of justice and rights in this unfair competition environment, which some people glorify as "making sense of the union effort". We will show the same effort and effort that we have shown during the removal of this dam, with the same determination and determination to eliminate the loss of financial rights that occurred with the removal of the dam.

We Do Not Allow Civil Servants' Labor to Be Offered to Anyone

Those who seek solidarity dues in order to hinder all other confederations and unions in civil servant unionism should know that we will not give the labor of 5 million civil servants to anyone. The authorized confederation is the biggest responsible for the loss of rights of all unionized civil servants, both with the introduction of the anti-democratic 2% threshold and with the removal of this threshold. We will work with all our strength to eliminate this grievance.