Reaction to Intellectuals from Ata Party Chairman Zeybek

ATA Party Chairman Namık Kemal Zeybek, who recently complained to the Supreme Court of Appeals Chief Public Prosecutor's Office on the grounds that the AK Party government "took action from its anti-secular discourses", addressed the "Liberal Kemalist intellectuals". Zeybek: "What about these friends who do not see that the AK Party's Shariaism lies behind such a deterioration of the economy?" said..

Zeybek, criticizing those who define themselves as liberal Ataturkist intellectuals, used the following statements:


When Recep Tayyip Erdoğan founded the AK Party, he said, "We are a political party that takes Islam as a reference." Now he says, "Sharia is Islam." Our liberal Ataturkist intellectuals are very confident in this regard. They assure us, "No, our citizens do not want sharia." It is as if sharia would come by asking for permission from citizens. You say; ÇEDES placed National Education under the control of the Religious Affairs Directorate. 6th graders take a year off and receive memorization training. The number of Imam Hatip Schools increased to five thousand. Primary school children are taught about pilgrimage and burial. National Education announced that it has made a protocol with 6 sects, students are taken to the grave of the sheikh who encouraged the bloody rebellion against the Republic and they are made to pray. Millions of Syrian Bedouin settlers, called immigrants. They are Arabizing Turkey.

Muftis were given the authority to solemnize marriages. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is trying to manage the economy according to religious principles. Our Liberal Ataturkist Intellectuals ignore or do not care about these. They say, "No, our citizens do not want sharia."

AK Party sharia is coming step by step. Our Liberal Intellectuals are very safe. What about these friends who do not see that AKP's Shariaism lies behind such a deterioration of the economy?


Would the economy be like this if it weren't for what was given to the Syrian Settlers, their resistance not to increase the interest rate because of Nasism, and the fact that they entered the protection of global capitalism and put the country up for sale with New Liberalist practices because of the AK Party's Shariaism?

Add to that the plundering of the Nation's assets and presenting them respectfully to the Arabs as a result of the belief in loot, then write them all down and add them together, and what will you see, dear liberal Ataturkists?

That's why we say: Turkist, socialist, scientific, Kemalism is the only way out. This is atavism.”