Mayor Yılmaz “Half of the increase given was lost in the first month”

Confederation of Independent Public Servants' Unions (BASK) Manisa Provincial Chairman Doğan Yılmaz said, “According to the data announced by TUIK, inflation increased by 6,70% in January. Annual inflation was 64,86%. According to the independent research company ENAG, inflation was announced as 9.38% in January and annual inflation was announced as 9.11. While the increase received in accordance with the collective agreement in January was only 15%, almost half of the increase received was melted. "The fact that the inflation difference is not given on a monthly basis, the fact that what is experienced in the field and TÜİK data do not match each other, and the fact that the income tax is not fixed for public employees has increased this grievance even more," he said.


BASK Manisa Provincial Chairman Doğan Yılmaz said, “For years, the increases received by civil servants and retirees have remained below the TÜİK inflation, but six months later, the increase was made as much as the inflation difference and the TÜİK data. This means that the wages of civil servants and retirees have stagnated and no raises have been received. It should be known that an increase equal to inflation is a zero increase. Moreover, an increase equal to TÜİK inflation is a negative increase that reduces purchasing power. For all these reasons, it is essential that civil servants and retirees be given a welfare share that will not be below inflation.”