Sinan Tekin: “Edirne Needs National Vision Municipality”

Saadet Party Edirne Provincial Chairman and General Administrative Board Member Atty. Sinan Tekin's statement is as follows: “Edirne needs 'National Vision' municipalism. We take evil for good; We set out on this path to do good better. We don't have time for sterile polemics and billboard municipalism. All our attention is on Edirne and the people of Edirne. While we are rebuilding our city, we will adopt these 5 principles. First, we will work in a planned and programmed manner. Secondly, we will give the job to the experts. Thirdly, we will not allow corruption and waste. Fourth, we will not engage in partisanship and discrimination in service and appointment. We will be accountable and transparent. We in Edirne reject an understanding of politics built on shallow discourses that do not hesitate to criticize each other, only try to protect their interests. We cannot tolerate even the slightest amount of waste. We will put an end to the period of squandering billions of dollars of money collected from citizens' pockets. We will use our resources efficiently and be very, very sensitive about this issue. We will act meticulously. We will never tolerate corruption. No shameless or thieves will enter through the doors of our municipalities. Not a single morsel of orphan's property will pass through the crop of our Mayors. We will evaluate municipal resources as if we were taking care of orphans' property. With this understanding, we will put an end to the system of waste, bribery and corruption. As of the morning of April 1, the era of someone cutting corners through tenders will end. Saadet Party acts with the understanding of embracing everyone, respecting the opinions of all segments, and managing the city together with all its stakeholders. "If our people want to see a cadre movement consisting of qualified and qualified people, we are here." said.