Uludağ Electricity Instills Saving Consciousness in Consumers

Uludağ Elektrik raises awareness by visiting homes and workplaces with the My Energy Consultant Project, which it initiated to raise awareness of energy saving and efficiency in small businesses and households. The company provides information about energy saving and efficiency to the target audiences determined within the scope of the project, and provides information about the importance of energy for a sustainable world and the things to consider when using household electrical devices.


The company aims to make savings applications reach more people. During the visit, the Energy Consultant Team formed within the scope of My Energy Consultant Project examined the energy consumption of electrical appliances, lighting, heating and cooling systems, how these devices should be used and positioned, and how to reduce both energy consumption and bill amounts with savings and efficiency recommendations specifically offered to users. It is explained what they can provide. The company, which carries out special projects for each target audience, shows users how to reduce both energy consumption and bill amounts with savings and efficiency recommendations specifically offered to users within the scope of My Energy Consultant Project. Users can save up to 20 percent on their bills with these energetic tips. Consumers can also access the company's My Energy Consultant page via 'www.uludagelektrik.com.tr'. When they determine the number, device power, weekly usage time and number of devices they use at home according to their own usage habits, they can calculate the energy consumption in 'kWh' and see the amount that will affect their bills. They can also access detailed information on topics such as how to save energy in white goods such as refrigerators, ovens, washing machines, and electronic items such as televisions.