İnegöl's Demands Are Heard at Bereket Table Meetings

BURSA (IGFA) – The 'Bereket Sofrası Community Days Meetings' organized by İnegöl Mayor Alper Taban during the winter periods continue. This week's stop for the 'Bereket Sofrası' public days gatherings, held in a different mosque every Friday morning, was Mesudiye District. Bereket Sofrası was set up this morning at Mesudiye Central Mosque. Mayor Alper Taban and his accompanying delegation met with the residents of Mesudiye Neighborhood and the mosque community within the scope of the Bereket Sofrası meetings organized to increase unity and solidarity and embrace citizens.


After the morning prayer at the Bereket Sofrası Public Days event, where citizens convey their requests, complaints and wishes firsthand to Mayor Taban and relevant administrators, the neighborhood residents and the mosque community have breakfast with bagels, olives and cheese, while at the same time, the problems of the neighborhood and the region are listened to and common solutions are produced together.


At the Bereket Sofrası event, which was held with the participation of Mayor Alper Taban, AK Party District Chairman Mustafa Durmuş, Deputy Mayor Fevzi Dülger, council members and AK Party administrators, after the morning prayer was performed, the community had breakfast at the coffee house near the mosque. Addressing the citizens after breakfast with olives, cheese and İnegöl bagels, Mayor Alper Taban made evaluations about the agenda. Stating that the purpose of the Bereket Sofrası meetings is to listen to the citizens, Mayor Taban said, “We have been setting up these tables under the name of Bereket Sofrası since the day we took office. On this occasion, we come together with the congregations of our different mosques in our different neighborhoods. Thank you all for blessing our table. The purpose of these meetings is to listen to your demands, complaints, suggestions and requests. We are here as a family with our District Chairman, council members and party managers. We came to listen to you. I also thank our muhtar. "He is in constant consultation with us about our neighborhood," he said.

After the speech, Mayor Taban also made a speech to the residents of the neighborhood. While the citizens' problems specific to İnegöl and the neighborhood they live in were listened to, consultations were also held on their demands and needs.