Snow Cleaning All Night in İnegöl

BURSA (IGFA) –The long-awaited snowfall in İnegöl started on Tuesday evening. With the snowfall, which was also effective in the center but was seen to have a higher impact in the higher parts, İnegöl Municipality teams also went to the field. Having completed their preparations to continue their snow-fighting work 24 hours a day, İnegöl Municipality Directorate of Technical Affairs teams continued their work throughout the night to prevent transportation disruption in rural neighborhoods.

While there are no roads closed to transportation in İnegöl as a result of snow control efforts, teams continue to ring in their areas as a precaution. İnegöl Municipality, which will divide all rural neighborhoods into regions and keep each region under constant control with different teams throughout the winter, will intervene immediately with the calls and guidance of the citizens.


On the other hand, Mayor Alper Taban also made a statement on his social media account and said, "Our teams continue their work to combat snow in order to avoid any negative situation." Mayor Taban also reminded the 153 Solution Center number and asked citizens to contact the institution and provide information in case of any negativity.