Sea Transportation is Increasing in Kocaeli

Kocaeli, a thousand passenger transport from the sea bqRuRqgN jpg
Kocaeli, a thousand passenger transport from the sea bqRuRqgN jpg

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality provides sea transportation services in the Gulf of Izmit as an alternative model to land transportation. In 2023, 480 thousand passengers preferred the Metropolitan Municipality's sea transportation.


Enabling citizens living throughout the city to travel faster and safer with the slogan "Innovation in transportation", the Metropolitan Municipality also offers sea transportation services in the Gulf of Izmit in addition to land transportation. The Maritime Transportation Directorate of the Department of Transportation carries out passenger transportation between Izmit 2 Mart Pier and Gölcük, Değirmendere, Karamürsel, Derince, Tütünçiftlik, Yarımca, Hereke and Darıca piers in the Gulf of Izmit with a fleet of 4 passenger ferries and 1 passenger motorboats. Apart from public transportation services, daily and seasonal tours and activities are organized.

2023 thousand passengers benefited from the sea transportation provided by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality in 480. Additionally, 17 thousand 856 people participated in the Big Island and Moonlight Tours held during the summer months. 1 thousand 6 passengers were transported on special sea transportation trips in 300 year. Apart from these journeys, approximately 50 thousand citizens benefited from sea transportation in line with the decision taken by the Metropolitan Municipality Council by the Maritime Transportation Branch Directorate, in line with the free transportation during the holidays.


The military ship named TCG ANADOLU, affiliated with our Ministry of National Defense, was opened to the visitors of Kocaeli citizens in the last days of 2023. Within the scope of these visits, citizens were provided access to passenger ships and military ships by the Maritime Transportation Branch Directorate.