Konya is Preparing for the Foundation of the Investment with the Highest Budget

Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur İbrahim Altay gave the good news that they will make the beginning of one of the most important investments in Konya's history.

In his statement on the subject, Mayor Altay reminded that they started the process by signing a cooperation protocol with the Ministry of National Defense regarding the transfer of the 56th Maintenance Factory Directorate land to Konya Metropolitan Municipality.

Noting that they will bring one of the most valuable areas of Konya, located between Meram New Road and Meram Old Road, to the city, Mayor Altay said, “We are experiencing the excitement and happiness of bringing the highest budget investment in the history of Konya Metropolitan Municipality to our city in the 100th anniversary of our Republic. 56 thousand square meters of the 650th Maintenance Factory Directorate located in Ateşbaz Veli District will be used as a recreation area. We will move the facility located here to its new location in Selçuklu Aşağı Pınarbaşı District. We will lay the foundation of the Heavy Maintenance Urban Transformation and 2th Maintenance Factory Directorate, whose cost exceeds 56 billion liras, on Monday at 11.00 with the participation of our Minister of National Defense, Mr. Yaşar Güler, and our Land Forces Commander, Mr. General Selçuk Bayraktaroğlu. "I wish the project, which will be a great gain for our city, to be beneficial in advance," he said.

In the 140th Maintenance Factory Directorate, which will have a total construction area of ​​56 thousand square meters; There will be 6 warehouses, security guard building, warfare weapons department building, helipad, weapons workshop, direct intervention building and additional administrative building. In open area manufacturing; There will be 3 basketball courts, 2 service support campuses, a football field and a running track.