Kocaeli's Alternative Transportation "Kobis"

alternative transportation of kocaeli kobis GOYwZW jpg
alternative transportation of kocaeli kobis GOYwZW jpg

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality's Kocaeli Smart Bicycle System "KOBİS" project provides service in 12 districts. In KOBIS, which established 2023 new stations in 3, 303 thousand 174 bicycles were rented in the past year. ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORT SMEKocaeli Smart Bicycle System "KOBİS" was established to facilitate urban access, create intermediate facilities that nourish public transportation systems, and encourage the use of an environmental and sustainable means of transportation. KOBIS, which serves bicycle lovers, continued its growth in 2023. 12 STATIONS IN 79 COUNTRIESKOBIS carried out by the Department of Transportation; It provides service with 794 stations, 891 smart parking units and 535 smart bicycles. The KOBIS family reached 2023 thousand 302 people in 555. This year, 9 KOBIS stations with 3 parks were deployed to Kocaeli University Arslanbey Campus. 248 PIECES OF PARKING UNITSApart from KOBIS, Kopark stations were established by the Transportation Department's Intelligent and Sustainable Transportation Systems Branch Directorate for citizens to park their own bicycles. In this context, there are 248 bicycle parking units throughout the city.