Recommended Foods and Daily Calorie Needs for Healthy Weight Gain

Recommended Foods and Daily Calorie Needs for Healthy Weight Gain
Recommended Foods and Daily Calorie Needs for Healthy Weight Gain

Your guide to weight gain: Find out how many calories per day you need to meet your weekly weight gain goals. Control your health problems and gain weight by increasing your calorie intake with healthy food.

For individuals aiming to gain weight, the first step is to have potentially disabling health conditions checked, such as thyroid disease, diabetes, and cancer. In the absence of these diseases, it is recommended to increase the daily calorie intake with healthy foods.

Recommended Foods and Daily Calorie Needs for Healthy Weight Gain

To support weight gain, it is recommended to consume nuts such as pistachios, almonds, walnuts, dried fruits such as raisins and dates, high-fat dairy products, potatoes and avocados. The daily calorie requirement of the individual may vary according to the metabolic rate.

Do you want to gain healthy weight? You can support balanced and healthy weight gain with special diet lists prepared by our expert dietitians. Click now for your special diet list! (Reach Your Dream Weight!

Effects of Anorexia and Obesity on Health

While many individuals in the world are overweight or obese, there are also thin individuals struggling with anorexia. Being anorexic (, poses health risks similar to obesity. In this context, you can read our article to examine natural strategies and guidelines for weight gain.

The Effects of Underweight and Body Mass Index on Health

Underweight is defined as having a body mass index below 18.5. This value is considered below the body mass required for optimal health.

Individuals with a body mass index (BMI) above 25 are defined as overweight, and those over 30 are defined as obese. However, BMI may not always give accurate results as it only considers the height-to-weight ratio. Although thinness is seen as a natural feature in some individuals, it can be associated with persistent health problems. In particular, the state of being underweight is 2-3 times more common in women than in men; According to global statistics, 20% of men over the age of 1 and 4% of women are extremely thin. As a result, underweight is determined by a BMI of less than 18, which is more common in women than in men.

(For Your Body Mass Index Calculation Here Click!)

Obesity is a global health problem today. However, it is stated that being underweight can carry even higher health risks than obesity. A study revealed that being underweight increases the risk of premature death by 80% in men and 25% in women. However, the risk of early death due to obesity was found to be 50%. Another scientific study showed that the risk of premature death was significantly increased in extremely thin men, but this risk was not as significant for women. These findings indicate that underweight can pose serious health threats, especially for men.

Some medical conditions that can lead to unhealthy weight loss include:

Recommended Foods and Daily Calorie Needs for Healthy Weight Gain

  • Eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa is one of the major eating disorders and is a serious psychological disorder.
  • Thyroid Problems: An overactive thyroid, called hyperthyroidism, can increase your metabolic rate, leading to unhealthy weight loss.
  • Celiac Disease: It is the most severe form of gluten intolerance and many individuals are unaware of it.
  • Diabetes: Uncontrolled type 1 diabetes, in particular, can lead to significant weight loss.
  • Cancer: The body expends high energy while fighting cancerous tumors, which can cause serious weight loss.
  • Infections: Some infections, such as parasites, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS, can cause an individual to become extremely debilitated.

If you are suddenly and noticeably losing weight, you should consult a specialist as this could be a sign of a potential health problem.

What Are The Healthy Ways To Gain Weight?

If you are aiming to gain weight, it is essential to carry out this process in a conscious and healthy way.

It may be possible to gain weight quickly with high-calorie and low-nutrient foods, such as sodas and processed snacks. However, this approach can lead to health problems in the long run.

Optimal weight gain should occur with a balanced increase in muscle mass rather than fat accumulation. Type 2 diabetes ( are data showing that diseases directly related to obesity, such as heart disease, can also be seen in normal or underweight individuals as a result of unhealthy eating habits.

In this context, gaining weight with foods with high nutritional value and a balanced lifestyle instead of high-calorie processed foods is of great importance not only in terms of physical appearance, but also in terms of general health.

Healthy Weight Gain: Energy Balance and Calorie Tracking

The basic principle of gaining weight is to take in more energy (calories) than you expend. For example, if your body burns an average of 2000 calories per day, you need to consume more than this value, about 2500 calories, to gain weight.

You can use the calorie calculators provided to determine your calorie needs. However, for a careful weight gain process, you should aim to consume 300-500 calories more than your determined daily energy expenditure. If you desire a faster weight gain, you can increase this value by 700 to 1.000 calories.

However, it should be noted that calorie calculators only provide approximate values. Your daily calorie needs can vary depending on many factors. In summary, while creating the energy balance, you should take care that the energy you consume is more than the energy you spend.

When tracking calories, it is not necessary to make a detailed count at every meal throughout the day. In general, after meeting your daily energy expenditure, you can see it as extra energy and end the detailed follow-up.

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The Importance of Protein in the Process of Healthy Weight Gain

Protein plays a critical role in the healthy weight gain process.

Muscle tissue, which supports our skeletal system, is basically composed of protein molecules. Without adequate protein intake, excess calories have the potential to turn into body fat.

Some scientific studies show that high protein intake contributes to the conversion of a large part of the extra calories into muscle tissue in cases of overnutrition. However, the consumption of protein must be carefully balanced; This is because excess protein can have an appetite suppressant effect, making it difficult to obtain the required calories.

For individuals with a weight gain goal, a protein intake of between 2,2 and 4 grams per kilogram is recommended. If your total calorie intake is quite high, you can increase the amount of this protein.

Foods with high protein content include meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes and nuts. Protein supplements such as whey can also be an effective alternative for individuals who have difficulty in protein intake.

Balanced Nutrition and Fasting Factor in Weight Gain

During the weight gain process, most individuals should use the opposite of strategies that limit their fat and carbohydrate intake for weight loss purposes. For individuals aiming to gain weight, a balanced consumption of protein, fat and carbohydrates at each meal constitutes the optimal nutrition method.

Long periods of fasting or fasting are not recommended for individuals who want to gain weight after following a certain eating plan. While fasting may provide certain health benefits for individuals with obesity problems; For individuals who are underweight and do not get enough calories, this can increase health risks.

Ensuring at least three main meals in the daily nutrition plan, and consuming energy-dense snacks (for example, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios) are factors that support weight gain.

Diversity in Nutrition: A Healthy Weight Gain Strategy

A balanced and varied diet is critical to healthy weight gain. Although processed and high-calorie ready-to-eat foods have a satiating effect in a short time, they do not give a long-term feeling of satiety, which prevents excessive consumption of these foods.

Spices, sauces and seasonings used in meals can increase the flavor of foods and encourage their consumption. It is also recommended to integrate energy-dense foods into your diet. Such foods are known for their high calorie content despite their relatively low weight. For example, nuts such as walnuts can be used in various dishes because they are calorie-dense.

Perfect Foods for Healthy Weight Gain:

Recommended Foods and Daily Calorie Needs for Healthy Weight Gain

  • Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, etc.
  • Dry fruit: Raisins, dates, prunes etc.
  • High-fat milks: Whole milk, full fat yogurt, cheese, cream.
  • Quality Oils: Extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil.
  • Cereals: Whole grains such as oats and brown rice.
  • And: Chicken, beef, goose, lamb, etc.
  • Tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes.
  • Dark chocolate, avocado, peanut butter, coconut milk, granola..

Many foods are energy-rich and therefore can create a long-lasting feeling of fullness when consumed even in small amounts. It is important to encourage yourself to eat; Since the above foods have high nutritional value, consuming moderate amounts is usually harmless.

If you have set weight gain as your primary goal, it may be more effective to choose energy-dense foods instead of less calorie-dense vegetables.

Fruits should generally be included in your diet. However, giving weight to fruits that are easy to consume and do not require chewing, such as bananas, can support your weight gain process. When you consume such fruits, it may take a little more time to realize that you are full.

The Importance of Weight Training for Muscle Building and Calorie Directing

Incorporating weight-lifting exercises into your routine is essential so that extra calories are directed to muscle tissue, not fat cells.

Perform 2-4 sessions of weight training per week in the gym. Follow a program to expand your muscle volume by gradually increasing your weight.

If you are inexperienced in physical activities or do not have a significant physical condition, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a personal trainer during your starting process.

It is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional before starting an exercise program, especially if you have skeletal problems or other health problems.

You can add cardiovascular exercises to your routine, but you don't want to overdo it and quickly waste the nutrients you consume. For this reason, it is recommended that you focus on weight exercises in your training.

Recommended Strategies for Healthy Weight Gain

The two main methods of gaining weight are the integration of high calorie consumption and heavy strength training.

However, it is possible to resort to other strategies that will accelerate weight gain. Here are 8 suggested strategies to support this process:

Recommended Foods and Daily Calorie Needs for Healthy Weight Gain ()

  • Avoid consuming water before meals: It can cause your stomach to fill up with water, and this can hinder your necessary calorie intake.
  • Get into the habit of eating frequently: Have an additional meal before going to sleep and consume energy-dense snacks and snacks throughout the day.
  • Consume milk: Opt for whole milk for hydration. If milk bothers you, try lactose-free goat's milk. Milk is a high-quality source of protein and calories.
  • Use wider plates: Serve in large plates to support weight gain. Small plates often cause individuals to automatically eat fewer portions.
  • Add milk to your coffee: This simple action can increase your daily calorie intake.
  • Do not ignore the importance of quality sleep: Sleep is a critical factor for muscle growth.
  • Arrange the meal order: If you have foods from different food groups on your plate, consume those that are high in calories and rich in protein first. Consume vegetables at the end of the meal.
  • Avoid smoking: It has been observed that individuals who consume cigarettes tend to be thinner than those who do not. Quitting smoking can promote healthy weight gain.

Difficulties in Metabolic Adaptation and Weight Gain

It has also been mentioned in the scientific literature that some individuals have difficulty in gaining weight.

Behind this situation, there is the hypothesis that each individual has a certain set weight that they reach as a result of their metabolic adaptations.

If an individual has been at a low weight all his life, the body may be resistant to adapting to this new situation during the weight gain process.

In the face of increased calorie intake, the body can engage in adaptation mechanisms such as making changes in appetite regulation, increasing metabolic rate and optimizing energy expenditure.

In this process, the brain tries to control weight gain by increasing the feeling of satiety with the effect of hormones such as leptin.

We will continue to inform you in our next article with details on this subject. Wishing you a healthy and balanced diet.

Do you want to gain healthy weight? You can support balanced and healthy weight gain with special diet lists prepared by our expert dietitians. Click now for your special diet list! (Reach Your Dream Weight!)