Krafton Adds Clan System to PUBG: Battlegrounds

Krafton Adds Clan System to PUBG Battlrgrounds
Krafton Adds Clan System to PUBG: Battlegrounds

Introducing the Clan System to PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS, which allows players to form clans and play games with clan members to earn various advantages and rewards.

Players with BATTLEGROUNDS PLUS accounts can create clans by clicking the clan button in the lobby. Clan search after clan creation, sohbet and various features such as notifications are obtained. Each clan consists of a clan leader, administrator and general members and can have up to 100 members. Players who complete the training missions are eligible to join a clan. These players can request to join a clan if they wish, or they can be invited by an existing clan member.

To make clans even more enjoyable, a new progression system with clan level and rewards has been introduced. Clans that can rise up to level 20 will be able to earn Clan XP during the game. When a clan reaches level 2, that clan's Clan Tag will appear next to the player's nickname/PUBG ID on a corresponding Tag Plate. The Clans Label Plate will be upgradeable as the clan levels up. When playing together with clan members, players will receive a double XP bonus that allows the clan to level up faster. Additionally, players will also gain a 30 percent BP increase boost for playing with members of their clan.

Taeseok Jang, Executive Producer of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS, said, “We launched the clan system starting with the 23.2 test server update to enhance the sense of belonging and ultimately increase player satisfaction. We hope that with the new system, players can have a more satisfying gaming experience with their friends and clan members.” said.