Introduction of Nobili Park Airport Project and Groundbreaking Ceremony Held

Introduction of Nobili Park Airport Project and Groundbreaking Ceremony Held
Introduction of Nobili Park Airport Project and Groundbreaking Ceremony Held

The introduction and groundbreaking ceremony of the Nobili Park Airport Project, which will be realized by İZKOOP Housing Building Cooperative in Ayrancılar, was held. Mentioning the fact of the earthquake and the pain experienced during the ceremony, İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Mustafa Özuslu pointed out that tens of thousands of citizens lost their lives in the earthquake that affected 11 provinces. Özuslu said that earthquake-resistant, healthy and safe houses should be built in accordance with regulations.

The foundation of the Nobili Park Airport Project, which will be realized in Torbalı Ayrancılar by the İş Dünyası Housing Building Cooperative, located in the 3rd Stage of Örnekköy, where the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality carries out its urban transformation works, has been laid. In the program held at the Historical Coal Gas Factory, a connection was made to the groundbreaking ceremony via video conference system. İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Mustafa Özuslu, İzmir Chamber of Commerce Assembly President Selami Özpoyraz, representatives of the cooperative, sector and business world attended the meeting organized for the project to be carried out under the name and responsibility of İZKOOP Housing Building Cooperative.

“Healthy housing is a right”

Stating that healthy and safe housing is a right for people, İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Mustafa Özuslu said, “Providing this right is the most important duty of the state. It is also one of the most important duties of local governments.

“We have not lost so many people in terror”

Noting that the urban transformation in İzmir is carried out with the support of cooperatives and local governments, Deputy Chairman Özuslu said, “Earthquake is the reality of this country. Earthquake is also the reality of İzmir. Let no one forget and conceal this fact. There may be an earthquake right now, it is possible. We should not experience the consequences of this as in the disaster in our 10 provinces. By losing tens of thousands of our citizens, we have seen what it means to make a building incomplete, wrong, and not to construct a building in accordance with norms and regulations. We have not lost so many people in terrorism. As Izmir residents living in the earthquake zone, it is a good and right thing to build earthquake-resistant houses.

İzmir Chamber of Commerce Assembly President Selami Özpoyraz and cooperative representatives also provided information on the process and content of the project.