Attention to Dessert Consumption during the Holiday! Things to Consider While Consuming Sweets on Eid

How to Consume Dessert, Indispensable of Holidays, Things to Consider While Consuming Desserts
How to Consume Dessert, Indispensable for Holidays

Anadolu Health Center Nutrition and Diet Specialist Derya Eren emphasized that in order not to gain weight and maintain it, it is necessary to consume sweets at most 2-3 times during the holiday.

Sweets are essential for the holidays. your holiday; Anadolu Health Center Nutrition and Diet Specialist Derya Eren, who stated that it was a period when treats increased and syrupy desserts increased, said, “The amount of sweets consumed is as important as its content. In order not to gain weight and to maintain weight, dessert should be consumed at most 2-3 times during the holiday. Sherbet dessert can be consumed as half a portion at most, and other dessert options can consist of milk desserts. The most important point is to pay attention to the diet on the day of consumption of sweets. On the day that dessert will be consumed, bread should not be consumed for breakfast in the morning and breakfast should be made with protein. Eggs, cheese, olives or walnuts and cold cuts should be consumed with plenty of seasonal greens.

Anadolu Health Center Nutrition and Diet Specialist Derya Eren, who underlined that long hunger, 2-3 meal consumption and meal consumption times during Ramadan are very different from daily routine nutrition because it is evening and night, said, “There should be slow transitions in order to adapt the diet to normal daily life. The number of meals should be increased gradually. First, 3 meals a day should be planned as morning, noon and evening. Then, 1-2 snacks should be added and the number of meals should be increased to 4-5 per day. Although the contents of the meals vary depending on the sweet consumption, 3 main meals should be made absolutely.

Daily food consumption during the feast should be protein-based.

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Derya Eren pointed out that breakfast with eggs and cheese, one of the lunches should be vegetables, and the other should consist of protein source foods such as meat, chicken, fish and legumes, “Fruit should definitely be consumed as a snack. By consuming 2-3 servings of fruit daily, we provide our body's need for glucose, reducing sweet crises and cravings. Unroasted nuts: By consuming them with foods such as hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts or with milk, we can balance our blood sugar and extend our satiety period. It would be more appropriate to consume fruits not alone, but with nuts and milk group foods.”