Customs Officer Salary 2023 (Customs Enforcement Officer Salary)

Customs Officer Salary
Customs Officer Salary

Recently, many people have been wondering how much the Customs Officer salary is on average in 2023. It is known that these people, who work as customs guards, receive various payments in addition to their salaries.

Customs Officer Salary 2023

Customs officer salary is around 2023 TL on average in 22.560. It is known that the average salary of 2023 TL in the first days of 22.560 is in the band of 29.710 TL, with the increase announcements made towards the middle of the year. The increase also affects the people who serve as customs officers.

Customs officer 18.440 TL 22.560 TL
Import Export Assistant Specialist 16.170 TL 29.710 TL

Customs Bureau Personnel Salaries

The salaries of customs office personnel vary between 18.440 TL and 16.170 TL. There are many issues that affect the salaries of customs office personnel working as public personnel. Many factors such as marital status, number of children, seniority, degree and professional experience and qualification cause salaries to vary.

Customs Enforcement Officer

The customs guard is responsible for the supervision, inspection and protection of bonded places and areas. In addition, controlling land, sea, air and railway vehicles and inspecting the entrance and exit of passengers, goods and vehicles are among the job descriptions of customs guards.

Airport Customs Officer Salaries

Airport customs officer salaries are at the lowest level of 16.170 TL and many different factors such as professional qualification or the field they work in cause the salaries to increase.

Customs Inspection Officer Salary

The salary of a customs inspection officer varies between 16.170 TL and 18,000 TL.

How Much is the Customs Officer Retirement Salary?

It is possible to answer the question of how much is the customs officer's pension by stating that they receive a pension in a band ranging from 16.170 TL to 18,000 TL.