The Effects of Trauma After Earthquake Discussed

The Effects of Post-earthquake Trauma was Discussed
The Effects of Trauma After Earthquake Discussed

“How to Overcome Post-earthquake Trauma?” organized within the scope of “Health Awareness Seminars” initiated with the cooperation of Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality and Acıbadem Eskişehir Hospital. In the seminar on the subject, experts and citizens came together.

The third of the "Health Awareness Seminars" series organized with Acıbadem Eskişehir Hospital within the scope of the awareness activities of Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality for citizens, "How to Overcome Post-earthquake Trauma?" The seminar on the subject was held with intense participation.

Drawing attention to the trauma experienced after the earthquakes that caused great destruction in 11 provinces centered in Kahramanmaraş and held at the Metropolitan Municipality Turgut Özakman Stage, the seminar was moderated by Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Protection and Control Department Head Dr. Erdal Yavuz did it.

At the seminar, psychiatrist Dr. Bülent Kenan Kocatürk, “Psychiatric Disorders Associated with Disaster and Trauma”, Specialist Psychologist Ümit Ege Canyurt, “Psychological First Aid and Methods of Coping with Stress” and Specialist Psychologist Beste Çokaygil gave their presentations and speeches titled “Earthquake Through the Eyes of a Child”.

In the seminar, which was followed by the earthquake victims who came to Eskişehir from the disaster area, the experts gave detailed information about the problems that occurred during and after the disaster and what needs to be done to combat them.

The series of seminars where citizens find answers to their questions will continue in the future.