5 ways to increase productivity at work with DNS filtering


Productivity in the workplace is now more important than ever, due to the increase in remote working. The reason is actually very simple; In remote working, managers and team leaders cannot control their team members as much as they want. So they need some solutions to increase productivity as well as maximize cybersecurity. We will also talk about this issue.

From the beginning, we can state that; A cybersecurity measure can have productivity benefits, in fact, we're going to talk about it today; DNS Filtering. DNS filtering is a widely used cybersecurity solution for organizations to strengthen their overall security and increase productivity in the workplace.

What is DNS?

Let's talk a little bit about DNS Filtering before we move on to its benefits. The Domain Name System (DNS) is basically the internet's way of separating web pages based on their Url. All actors on the Internet are identified by their IP addresses. These addresses can provide device location and other important information.

But as you can imagine, all the pages we use IP addresses It would be impossible for us to remember, would it? This is exactly why we use the Domain Name System; this system matches IP addresses with the domain names used by the pages to make the job easier for everyday users like us. For example, when you type the URL of the Facebook homepage, the DNS system recognizes the extension you typed and binds it to the IP address, allowing you to visit the website just by typing its name.

What is DNS Filtering?

There is an unpredictable number of harmful content and sites on the Internet. Some of them target people's personal information and their devices through viruses with the method we call social engineering. While protecting this information is also important for individual users, it is of course even more important for organizations that keep the information of thousands of customers.

It is precisely this percentage that DNS Filtering solutions weed out malicious websites and prevent users from accessing them. Since cybercriminals are likely to attack digital assets via these malicious sites, DNS Filtering tools stop the end user before they even visit the site.

The filtering process we are talking about can be done by methods such as categories, blacklists, or only allowing certain sites. When a DNS query request from the user reaches the system, the system evaluates the domain name with predefined filters and allows or blocks access depending on the risk level.

These DNS Filtering services are available online and cloud-based with software provided by the service provider. No physical hardware is needed for such a system, and the system can be integrated in a very short time. For more information on this, NordLayer's DNS Filtering service You can review it, you can also get it for your own organization.

Increasing productivity with DNS Filtering

As you can imagine, DNS Filtering can really impact productivity levels in the workplace, both by alleviating security concerns and helping employees avoid distractions. That's why we wanted to show you some of the most obvious reasons why DNS Filtering can make your team much more productive than it is.

1-) Reducing security concerns

DNS Filtering is an integral part of any organization that wants to keep its employees safe from online threats. If your employees don't have to think about the dangers posed by the websites they constantly visit, they will be better able to focus on their work.

If you don't use DNS Filtering, your employees may constantly feel insecure about anything they see on the internet (content necessary for their job). As a result, they will filter out the sites that come up in their searches, and they will lose a lot of time and see a decrease in their productivity.

2-) Reduction of distractions

DNS Filtering tools allow administrators to block access to unsuitable or objectionable websites for the workplace. Employees access a variety of content every day, but it's not all work-related. Things like adult content or online games are naturally unsuitable for the workplace and are significant distractions for employees.


That's why you can block access to these websites and keep your team members away from distractions by using DNS Filtering. Of course they will have access to some resources to keep up with the daily news and other developments, but with DNS Filtering they will not have access to anything distracting or unsuitable for the workplace.

3-) Less bandwidth usage

Since these tools allow you to block some websites and content, they are used by employees. band We can assume that its width will be much less than before. Low bandwidth usage means your employees can now connect to business resources faster and more seamlessly. This, in turn, will increase productivity in your workplace and give your team members bandwidth for more important, business-related tasks.

4-) Advanced monitoring and tracking

DNS Filtering, your users and their movements in your network It can also help increase your control and follow-up. You can track websites and the content they access and have a better idea of ​​how they manage their time and what they spend it on. After collecting relevant data, you can take the necessary measures to help them spend their time more efficiently.

5-) Improved network performance

cyber criminals Malicious websites and content created by us can put a huge strain on your network and cause performance issues. If you don't have control over the websites accessed by employees, they become such that they no longer have problems accessing business resources.

You can use DNS Filtering tool to prevent this. This system will protect your network from harmful websites, employees are on an efficient, properly working network without any connection issues. will make it work.