DHMİ to Recruit 60 Contracted Personnel

General Directorate of State Airports Authority
General Directorate of State Airports Authority

To be employed within the General Directorate of State Airports Authority within the scope of Article 399 / c of the Decree Law No. 3, the General Directorate of State Airports Authority published in the Official Gazette dated 08.07.2018 and numbered 30472 will be assigned to the positions of the Trainee Air Traffic Controller and Assistant Air Traffic Controller. Selection exams will be held within the framework of the provisions set out in the Regulation on Candidates' Examinations.

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Unit Opening the Exam: General Directorate of State Airports Authority.
Position: DHMI (The Country).
Titles and Number of Positions to be Assigned: 20 Assistant Air Traffic Controllers, 40 Trainee Air Traffic Controllers
KPSS Score Type and Base Score: A minimum of 3 points from the KPSSP70 score type.
Validity Year of KPSS Score: Public Personnel Selection Examination dated 18 September 2022.

General Conditions Required for Candidates Who Will Take the Exam

a) Being a Turkish Citizen,

b) Not to be deprived of public rights,

c) To have completed the age of 18,

d) In terms of military status; not to be in military service, not to be of military age, or to have done active military service if he has reached the age of military service, or to be postponed or transferred to the reserve class,

e) With the exception of negligent crimes, crimes committed against the personality of the State even if they have been pardoned, embezzlement, conflict, embezzlement, bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, abuse of faith, fraudulent bankruptcy, etc. or not be convicted of smuggling, rigging official tenders and trades, revealing state secrets, excluding abuse and consumption smuggling,

f) As of the application deadline, to get seventy points or more in KPSSP11 point type in accordance with the 3th article of the General Regulation on the Exams to be Applied for the First Time.

Candidates 10 (ten) times more than the number of positions announced by the General Directorate of State Airports Authority will be invited to a computer-aided selection exam or a written exam, starting with the highest KPSSP3 score. Applications will be made between 14.11.2022 and 04.12.2022 via the General Directorate of State Airports Authority - Career Gate Public Recruitment and Career Gate alimkariyerkapisi.cbiko.gov.tr ​​on e-Government. Applications not submitted until 04.12.2022 on 23.59) will not be considered. Candidates are required to upload all requested documents to the system completely. Applications in person or by post will not be accepted.