Golden Rules in Marketplace Management for Brands

Golden Rules in Marketplace Management for Brands

Golden Rules in Marketplace Management for Brands

After the 80 percent rise in foreign exchange, many brands turned to exports. Brands that open marketplaces on international online sales sites are frustrated because they can't manage the process correctly on the e-export path they set out with big budgets and dreams. Digital Exchange's marketing and marketplace management team says, “Brands that work with professionals achieve success by correctly managing their Influencer marketing activities in opening their marketplaces. Maintaining and managing the market place as much as opening it should have steel legs such as promotion, product and service description, logistics and correct budget management.”

Turkey, with a young and dynamic population of 84 million, became the fastest digitizing country in the world during the global epidemic. Until 2020, while internet use was for business and entertainment purposes by the 18-45 age group, it spread to the whole society between 2020-2022 and its per capita usage exceeded the average of 8 hours per day. 2 million people, mostly in the last 60 years, are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube He became a member of social media channels such as Influencer marketing. Before using a product and service in Turkey, the rate of decision making was based on 80 percent by examining the influencer marketing studies. While this rise brings with it the revival of online shopping; According to the data of 2021, the number of e-commerce and e-export sites in Turkey has exceeded 320 thousand. There is now a serious competition between e-commerce and e-export sites, both locally and globally. While many companies sign important discounts in the fields of clothing, cosmetics, shoes, food and ready meals, especially in electronics, with the agreements they have made, they cannot achieve success due to improperly prepared campaigns, efforts that cannot reach the target audience and incorrect market management. The expert team of Digital Exchange, which manages both Influencer marketing and marketplace activities of e-commerce and e-export companies in 126 countries of the world, explained the importance of using the right marketplace to e-commerce and e-export brands.

Know the Consumer, Identify the Needs

Stating that brands have more than one market place in e-commerce sites operating in Turkey and internationally, the Digital Exchange team made the following statement: “Managing market places is not the duty and function of brands. Because market place management requires expertise on its own. In the marketplace on an e-commerce and e-export site operating both in Turkey and abroad

  • Getting to know the consumer
  • Identifying their needs
  • Understanding which product or service you are interested in
  • Knowing the budget average

One of the most important conditions is to find out which campaigns you consider. All brands can open a market place by paying a certain price, but the important thing is not to open the market place, but to keep it alive in the best way, to manage it in a way that is beneficial to the brand, generating revenue, providing awareness and receiving positive reference from the consumer.

Mismanagement Damages the Brand

Emphasizing that the brands' professional help to market their products and services to their target audiences after opening a market place increases their turnover and brand awareness, the Digital Exchange team says, "The brand that opens a market place starts by saying, 'I constantly add products here and send it to the consumer using the logistics network'. . After a while, he sees that his market place is not visited by the consumer or that many problems, from the shipping to the use of his products, appear as complaints on his page. This negatively affects other customers. Marketplace management is a job that requires professionalism in itself. The brand's own internal staff is responsible for preparing the quality, internal balance and presentation of the product they manufacture and the service they commission. Brands' own cadres are largely failing when it comes to market place management. Because ethnic marketing comes into play. Even shipping products to Germany requires knowledge in itself. The consumer base in Berlin is not the same as Munich. In Iraq, there is another consumption habit in Baghdad, especially in the city of Erbil.” it was said.

The Process to be Managed from Promotion to Logistics

Noting that the desire of the brands to export has increased due to the increasing exchange rate, and therefore the search for a market place has increased, the Digital Exchange team gave the following information:

“Marketplace management is a holistic process. It includes these titles:

  • A complete description of the product and service with images, videos and text about what exactly it covers,
  • Current comments on the consumer's user experience and the brand's responses to them,
  • Pricing is done by considering other competitors,
  • Performing the logistics of the product in a timely, error-free and complete manner and following it
  • Responding to all kinds of questions and problems in a short time effectively and in a way that provides a solution
  • Before and after all these processes, reaching the consumer, being effective on their decisions, increasing the brand perception and turning potential customers into real customers by doing Influencer marketing.

As can be seen, there are many components of market place management in e-commerce and e-export. These are not just about renting a place and putting the images of the products there and making cargo. When processes are not well-managed, even million-dollar budgets placed at the disposal of the internal team can reach the point where it hurts the company.”

Professional Managers Work with Professionals

Emrah Pamuk, CEO of Digital ExchangeStating that Turkey has received more of its share from digitalization during the Covid-19 epidemic process than in the world, he said, “We have seen that Turkey's share in e-commerce and e-export between 2020-2025 was taken in the first 2020 months of 3 in all researches. There was great acceleration. The negative impact of the epidemic played a large part in this. E-commerce companies in Turkey have reached a market value of tens of billions of dollars. The brands that make the right market place management have exceeded their own goals when they support this with Influencer marketing. They also achieved very significant growth rates. Influencer marketing and market place management are issues that support each other. Without one, the legs of the table are missing. For this reason, companies should create their communication and marketing units from professionals, because in-company professionals know that they must work with professionals on Influencer marketing and marketplace management.”

Influencer Marketing Shouldn't Have a Monopoly on Some Brands

Stating that the influencer marketing efforts of brands are very important, Cotton, “Exporting companies go to Influencer marketing with barter. There are quite competent influencers working on this issue. On the other hand, things do not work with influencer marketing by only certain brands in the market, and other brands should also take their place at this point. Thus, diversity increases, competition between brands continues in the right field. As Digital Exchange, we ensure that the right brand, the right budget and the right Influencer meet.

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