10 Ways to Relieve Constipation

10 Ways to Relieve Constipation

10 Ways to Relieve Constipation

Specialist Dietitian Melike Çetintaş gave important information about the subject. Constipation is a digestive problem that everyone experiences from time to time. We can call it constipation (constipation) when a person does not go to the toilet for more than 3 days or has difficulty in toileting. Especially stressful lifestyle, unhealthy diet, inactivity, obesity, some medications can trigger constipation. We all have different intestinal flora. The gut is now considered the second brain. Many diseases can start with the deterioration of the intestinal flora, or a bad intestinal flora can negatively affect the course of many diseases. For this reason, regular and healthy toilet habits are important. The duration of bowel movements varies from person to person. Some people can go to the toilet 2-3 times a day, while others can go every few days. However, not being able to go to the toilet for three days or more is considered as constipation. Constant bloating, collection of edema, and restlessness may cause discomfort, and stress and depression, on the contrary, may trigger constipation.

Causes of Constipation; Inactivity, solid diet, delaying the need for toilet, low consumption of liquid and water, consuming foods that you are intolerant to (such as milk groups, gluten), some drugs (such as iron medication, antidepressants, strong painkillers)..

Specialist Dietitian Melike Çetintaş continues her words as follows;

How Can We Get Rid of Constipation?

Some changes in your lifestyle and diet can reduce your constipation complaints and make them go away.

1- Include pulp and fiber foods in your diet.

No matter how cliché it may seem, starting the day by eating 2 dried apricots and drinking 1 glass of warm water while hungry in the morning will speed up your intestines. Likewise, you can add prunes and dried figs to your snacks during the day. Add salad to your meals. Especially if you eat salad with the meals you consume meat, you are less likely to experience constipation and you can use a teaspoon of olive oil in your salads.

2- Use probiotics, eat prebiotics.

Probiotics are gut-friendly live bacteria with countless benefits. Prebiotics are the foods that feed the probiotic bacteria that we should include in our diet. It is very important to use probiotics for the health of the intestinal flora. Since each intestine is different, the probiotic that is good for each person is different. You can buy probiotic supplements in the form of powders or capsules from pharmacies, or you can prepare probiotic yogurt and kefir at home. You should also add prebiotic-rich foods to your diet (such as onions, garlic, leeks, apples.)

3- Increase your water consumption.

Make sure to drink 10 glasses of water a day. Although warm water does not have an effect on weight loss as it is thought, it is quite ideal for running the intestines. Drinking enough water speeds up bowel movements and digestion.

4- Take care to consume legumes 2-3 days a week.

Thanks to its high fiber content, legumes help the intestines to work. Dry beans, chickpeas, green lentils, kidney beans must be consumed 2 days a week. If you have bloating problems or indigestion, you can cook the legumes after removing their shells by soaking them in water.

5- Avoid senna, fasting grass and laxative drugs.

People who have constipation problems, unfortunately, can resort to wrong solutions in order to get quick results. Plants such as senna and fasting grass damage the intestinal epithelium, making the intestine even more dependent on itself in long-term use. Likewise, laxative and laxative drugs should not be used unless necessary and should not be regularized when used.

6- Limit your caffeine consumption.

In some cases, although drinking coffee accelerates intestinal activities, increasing daily consumption can make the intestine lazier. The recommended amount of coffee for health should be 2-3 cups per day.

7- Choose whole grain products instead of whole grain products.

According to studies, wholemeal bread and wholegrain products can cause iron deficiency and constipation. However, whole grain, rye and whole wheat bread added to meals regulate intestinal activities thanks to the B group vitamins they contain. Of course, gluten-free diet should be preferred for celiac patients and people with gluten intolerance.

8- Increase your physical activity.

Walking for 20-30 minutes every day helps to reduce the complaint of constipation. Walking 30-45 minutes after any meal makes your gut work better.

9- Use breathing exercises in stress management.

Especially stressful lifestyle is very effective in the deterioration of intestinal flora. We have to deal with stressful situations during the day. Whenever you have free time, close your eyes, take five deep breaths through your nose and release slowly as if blowing out a candle through your mouth.

10- Limit foods that trigger constipation.

You can remove some foods that cause constipation when consumed in excess from your diet for a while. Some of those; banana, rice porridge, chocolate, milk and dairy products, fast food, melon and persimmon.

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