30 Percent Increase in Public Transport Fees in Ankara

Public Transport Fees Increase in Ankara
Public Transport Fees Increase in Ankara

EGO General Directorate, which is responsible for the rail system and bus public transportation in Ankara, announced that there will be a hike in public transportation fees. How much was the Ankara EGO Full Ankakart bus fare? How much is the full Ankakart toll? Student monthly Ankarakart fees increased?

In the statement made by the General Directorate of EGO, the section on the subject is as follows:

“There was an increase of 2019 percent in cost elements such as diesel, natural gas, electricity, spare parts and personnel expenses in the 2021-77,60 period. The same increase rate was 2017 percent for the 2021-188,60 period.

The last ticket hike was made on 02.09.2019. While determining the aforementioned increase rate, 2017 percent was determined, which is far below the cost increases since 30, when the previous hike was made, and no increase was made in discounted and student ticket fees.

Despite all these negative developments, no increase has been made in ticket prices for two years and the cost increases have been shared among all Ankara residents. However, the increase has become inevitable at the point reached in terms of the sustainability of both public and private public transportation.”

How much was the EGO Full Ankakart bus fare?

According to the statement, there was a 30 percent increase in transportation fees. Ankara residents, who spend an average of 100 lira per month on transportation, will now spend 130 liras.

How much is the full Ankakart toll?

  • Smart Card (Ankarakart) One Boarding Fee Fully 3,25 TL
  • Smart Card (Ankarakart) One Boarding Fee Full Transfer 1,60 TL
  • Smart Card (Ankarakart) One Boarding Fee Fully Discounted 1,75 TL
  • Smart Card (Ankarakart) One Boarding Fee Full Discount Transfer 0.75 TL

With full Ankarakarts, maximum 75 transfers are provided within 2 minutes (except for exceptional lines), the transfer fee is 1,60 TL. It is valid in EGO Bus, Ankaray, Metro, Cable Car, Başkentray, city center ÖTA and ÖHOs.

Has the student's monthly Ankarakart fees increased?

According to the statement, there was no increase in discount cards and student card fees in Ankara.

The subscription application for Active Student (Discounted) Ankarakarts, initiated by our Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor, Mr. Mansur YAVAŞ, to support our students, was initiated with the UKOME Decision dated 18.10.2019 and numbered 2019/87 E.

The Student Subscription application gives 60 boarding passes for 200 TL. It is valid for 30 days from the date it is made and expires on the same day of the next month, at the same time.

Subscription application is valid in EGO, Private Public Buses (ÖHO), Private Public Transport Vehicles (ÖTA), Metro, Ankaray and Teleferik (Full Ankarakart is 3,25 TL, Student Ankarakart is 1,75 TL). It is not valid in EGO, ÖHO, ÖTAs serving outer districts and neighborhoods with different price tariffs (applied with a different tariff than the inner city tariff). It is collected from the balance of Ankarakart used over the fee schedule determined on these lines.