Hasanbey Logistics Center Electrification Project Construction Tender

The deadline for submission of tenders was announced on 07 February 2012 as 14: 00. Previously, the cost has been canceled by the administration due to the changes to be made in the tender specifications determined as TL 4.997.138,00.

The companies participating in the canceled tender are as follows: 1. Aykon Elektrik - Elron İnşaat, 2. Emre Ray Enerji, 3. Eltem Mühendislik, 4. E + M Elektrik, 5. Elektrio Mühendislik, 6. Savronik Sistem, 7. Siemens A.Ş.


Imams Assigned to Schools!

Assigning imams to schools aims to increase the role of religious teachings in education. While this practice aims to support the spiritual development of students, it is causing controversy in society. Click for details! [more…]